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AGT Foods Trouble

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    AGT Foods Trouble

    I don't receive the Western Producer, but a neighbour said an article revealed they may be in some financial trouble. Does anyone know the details? I have some crop contracted with them for this fall.

    As far as I know pretty much everything WP publishes is online. I don't see anything about this in recent news. I too have new crop lentils contracted



      As far as I know the latest bankruptcy is a place called GFI.


        Special Crops and Forward Selling/Forward Buying is like Russian Roulette. IMHO The players are so exposed to risk. I am not saying AGT is in financial trouble, just that if you come through your life as a Forward Seller or Forward Buyer without unnecessary stress, good on you.
        Last edited by sumdumguy; May 28, 2024, 15:21.


          This is simply not possible...fake news. AGT g
          has been on the cover of every glossy ( and some not so glossy)farm magazine out there with glowing articles about them and their successes.


            agree with sumdumguy. its tough but play the odds. sometimes things just look out of wack like maybe this year on some special crops


              The price swings are huge some years snd if you get caught long in a down market or short in an up market, losses can be debilitating.


                It would appear my neighbour got his letters mixed up. Thanks for the responses. Have a wonderful spring.


                  The lawsuit for slander is in the mail!


                    AGT is solid as a rock, they bought back all public shares a few years back and are all privately owned.


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