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Les Brost - Calgary Herald -Letter to PM

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    Les Brost - Calgary Herald -Letter to PM

    Les Brost

    Source: Calgary Herald
    Date: February 19, 2007
    Edition Name: Final
    Section: The Editorial Page
    Page: A14
    Dear Prime Minister Harper:

    Me and the boys down at the Auction Market are true-blue conservatives.
    we're so conservative we even wear blue underwear (well, mostly blue).

    We watch the political hoedown in Ottawa real careful, and lately we're
    worried about 'Canada's new government.'

    It seems to be getting off track and some folks are starting to wonder if
    crew is really up to the job.

    We're so concerned that Coyotepaws and I called a special Saturday morning
    meeting of the Auction

    Market Cowboys to discuss the situation and come up with our best advice.

    I was elected chief note-taker, and had a heck of a time keeping up, for
    boys were keener than a fresh rooster in a penful of lonely hens.

    Anyhow, here's some Auction Market wisdom for you:

    - Don't make promises you can't keep

    This is real important. A lot of folks believed you when you promised that
    Conservative government would never tax income trusts. Those people are
    than blue blazes right now.

    Even an ex-school trustee like me is smart enough to know that you never
    never in politics.

    In the competition for boneheaded political promises, the income-trust
    even beats the promise to Quebecois to fix Canada's 'fiscal imbalance.'

    - Don't throw dirt -- you only lose ground

    Those ads attacking Stephane Dion are dumber than my mother-in-law's
    Attacking a geeky-looking guy like Dion just makes you look like a big
    bully --
    especially to female voters.

    If you and your gang are on the right track, you don't have to worry about

    If you're not, get your act together. People want to know what you're for,
    rather than what you're against.

    - Don't hang out with losers

    You seem to like the "special relationship" you have with U.S. President
    W. Bush. Heck, he even calls you 'Steve.'

    That puzzles us a lot, because most Canadians see G.W. Bush as one as of
    worst presidents in American history. His poll numbers with American voters
    around his ankles. No Canadian leader ever went too far wrong standing up
    to the

    Another iffy relationship is your connection with Brian Mulroney.

    As an oldtime Reformer, you'll remember why Preston Manning started the
    party in the first place. Western Canadians were disgusted with the smarmy
    manipulation of Mulroney. Those old Reformers must darn near lose their
    when Mulroney boasts about your regular chats.

    - Ride Your Studs and Lose the Duds

    Your cabinet has some good timber, and it's got some punky, knot-filled
    that wouldn't build a corral for gophers. Jim Prentice is the best chance
    had in a generation for finding solutions to the heart-wrenching
    faced by too many of our First Nations people.

    Jim Flaherty has done a solid job as finance minister. After all, he wasn't
    guy who promised, 'No tinkering with the income trusts.' Minister of Public
    Safety Stockwell Day has really surprised everyone with his strong, steady
    performance -- especially when he stood up to the pushy American ambassador
    the Maher Arar affair.

    You've also got a couple of duds. Gordon O'Connor is a flat-out disaster as
    defence minister. He spent billions to buy airplanes that the military
    wanted to
    lease for millions. A lot of Canadians wonder if his decision is connected
    his former work as a defence industry lobbyist.

    Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl has completely mishandled the Canadian
    Board file. While most of the guys agree with Strahl's objectives, they
    that his heavy-handed tactics have actually increased wheat board support
    Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Both O'Connor and Strahl need to get moved down
    the cull pen pronto.

    That's the product of our special Saturday morning meeting, Mr. Harper --
    full load of political advice from the Auction Market Cowboys. We hope you
    some kernels in the chaff of our musings and harvest a solid majority in
    next election.

    Yours truly,

    The Old Prairie Dog

    P.S. One more thing, and it's very, very important. If Jason Kenney ever --
    -- wears a cowboy hat in public again, we will all vote Liberal. That's a
    promise we'll keep.

    Les Brost is a recovering rancher and proud Old Prairie Dog with deep roots
    southern Alberta.

    He can be reached at www.lesbrost.com

    most of the conservative MP's west of Manitoba probably don't even realize that women have the right to vote.


      Interesting idea of humor boys.

      Perhaps you want to debate the cost of a GST broken promise as opposed to a income trust broken promise? (Stock markets still setting records if you didn't notice)

      Perhaps we could review the smears by your beloved liberals of conservatives in the past?

      Adscam? Gun Registry? Helicopters?


        BTW, the Dion ads were not attack ads. If you listen to them, it is only the liberal party members speaking of themselves. You can only attack if you talk about somebody other than yourself. In this case it is called self-deprication.


          I'd be gettin worried boys, Harpers moving to the centre as fast as he can to make sure he caters to Ontario,Quebec and BC voters. Harper will do whatever it takes to hold power even if it means pissing off his core western support.


            "pissing off his core western support."

            In your eyes only, chuck/vader.


              Silver "Adscam? Gun Registry? Helicopters?"

              I'll add, The armed forces cruising through the streets of Toronto.


                I'll see your armed forces in the streets and raise you HRDC.


                  Mr. Hin,

                  Should my better half, my wife; should she have the right to vote in this barley plebicsite?

                  She took one read on Murry Fulton... and was ready to string him up for telling a pack of lies!!!

                  My University educated family members are frankly astounded that this kind of drivel would have the U of S seal on the top of it!


                    Chuck Chuck:
                    Boy you are a Liberal. You should know the conservatives always have the right of right fellows that you can never please. We don't even take them seriously,their just out there.
                    Tom4CWB I agree with you. As a UofS grad I am astounded at the length that Prof. Grey is engaged on the CWB debate.


                      I'd like to see Grey's spin on oat marketing.


                        Tom4CWB: Your wife must be a good women.



                          Your partner must be a good man.


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