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Whose doing the survey

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    Whose doing the survey

    My wife got a call today from someone doing a survey about the CWb and the barley plebisite. The jist was they wanted to know what would be the preference if there was only 2 choices in the plebisite. Anyone got any ideas of where this is coming from.I saved the number but can't get through.

    They phoned me. I asked them who was doing it and I was told "the Market Choice Alliance".

    The two questions were retain the single desk or dual marketing.


      Vader, what did you answer them?


        wd9 , vader knows , I know , and everyone else using this coffee shop knows, how come you don't know?


          He may have changed his mind, remember, this whole site is anonymous. "Vader" may not even be the Vader you think you know or "Vader" might be the Vader you do know. Which is which smarty pants?

          As in the case of wd9, several people have the password. Take your pick and try and guess who is who or who is whom or whom is whom or whom is who?

          Oh and don't believe everything you read on the world wide weeb. Especially anonymous forums.


            WD9...soo would the same apply to that communist tool `The Western Producer`??


              I didn't know that the "Western Producer" was a communist tool. How come I wasn't told of this?

              Run fer the hills boys, we've been invaded.


                My literary friend who has a PHD in lit would say a book only proves that paper can hold letters.


                  Would the real Vader please step forward!


                    You're creep'n me out!


                      I know, it is an old trick that used to be used on setting hard disk lables so no-one could reformat a drive. The character (0xA0) as a first character is included in the name, can't be displayed, but makes the name unique, but appear duplicate.

                      No worries, real Vader, I only did this to prove a point that anonymous websites are just that, anonymous, and that assumptions of character, policy, philosophy and motive, should never be brought back to the real world.

                      The site postings should never be used to judge someone based on speculation of who the person is.

                      And no, I won't be using (0xA0)Vader ever again.



                        Sorry, that should read wd9, or should it, hmmmmmm


                          I guess we need an ignore setting for WD9.


                            He's inside the matrix. Watch out for the agents, wd9!


                              Before the agents get me, look on the bright side:

                              Grain prices are up.
                              Demand is ever increasing/production slowing.
                              Transportation immediate issues are actually being addressed.
                              We are on the eve of exciting renewable energy sector being developed, as long as the incentive is in the budget.
                              Barley plebiscite has gone out, FOIP issues aside of course.
                              Lots of snow, should be good moisture situations for spring.

                              Farming has a tremendous future and it is good to be a part of it.


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