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Site Bogging Down?

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    Site Bogging Down?

    Is it just my computer or are posts going back to August 2006 bogging down the commodity marketing forum? Can this be cleaned up? I don't ever scroll back that far to look up old postings.

    I will email Joe Dales/Farms.com. I know they are doing some fixing on the site but don't know all the implications. I note agstar77 comments about the terra grain posting that went into never never land.

    People are adding extras like hot links and colored/highlighted text. I suspect (could be wrong) that the site still uses a lot of old computer programing technology.

    I would encourage you to provide Joe with thoughts on what you would like this site to look like. You also have experience with other sites/blogs that are likely useful. Hopefully the site can keep the access speed down so those of you who still have dial up can participate.


      Dial-up access would be better is TELUS would upgrade some of their old equipment that is way past its prime. Also they really don't give a hoot about rural dial-up and are concentrating on the wireless business where the money is. At least they finally agreed to stop dowloading PORN on that part of their business...bloody idiots.


        Email from Joe Dales today and they are aware of the problem/working on finding out the issue. Will keep you posted.


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