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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday week 14.

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    Trudeau sitting there with his long face, “ Why’s everybody pickin on me?” A Freeloafer running along behind him calling, ”I still love you. Please don’t boot me to the curb”.


      Gophers are wreaking havoc on canola here. Even took out my son’s barley patch. Have crop insurance coming to adjust losses. Otherwise stuff looks alright but late on our gumbo. Hay is going down and looks to be good. Have all herbicide sprayed and probably will bugger off south and hopefully see some harvest in the Palouse. Wet dream if I could stop and ride a round in the combine.


        Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
        Trudeau sitting there with his long face, “ Why’s everybody pickin on me?” A Freeloafer running along behind him calling, ”I still love you. Please don’t boot me to the curb”.
        Heir Freeloafer won’t be booted cause someone is needed for a scapegoat to take heat off the chosen one.


          We had his damned father for 15-1/2 years and his silver spoon spawn for almost 9. Who's fault is that???
          Almost 16 % of our existence.

          Heat next week gonna be interesting.
          Won't be late anymore if forecast for July close. 33 mid week.
          5-1/2" since May 1. Some gonna hurt.
          Hoping for an average crop.
          Peas short. Canola patchy. Wheat not bad wherever the chem didn't kick it in the balls.

          Neighbors, a few great lookers. Mostly so - so.
          Last edited by blackpowder; Jul 5, 2024, 19:31.


            Hahhaha dont post pics of the crops cuz it drived down the price? Lol

            Climate fieldview
            crop insurance
            coffee shop
            John deere link
            Case software
            telus ag
            Farmers edge or echelon

            You think that the grain companies dont have a waaaayyy better idea of the crops than we do?

            The cat is out of the bag. If you have a combine with a yield monitor thats linked to any cloud server... YOU are the worst culprit of free data release!

            Climate fieldview rep called me.last week and asked why we havent been using it! Couldnt give me a remotely straight answer when i asked him if they sell the data to richardson pioneer or viterra.....


              Even if it's not, AgCan and USDA have satellites. Give it up.


                Originally posted by Herc View Post

                Nurses deserve every dollar they make and more. Especially in that NB hospital…..

                Teachers on the other hand, suck it up buttercup…..
                Why not teachers, the shit they put up with in the classrooms these days in not the same as what is was when we went to school.

                Broken homes, disrepect, cell phones, not to mention the parents who blame everybody else for their own lack of parenting skills. Nothing more than a drop off babysitting for some.

                Everybody wants their children to have a good education, you get what you pay for.

                Two neices from SK who are teachers gave me the run down a month ago.

                As some on Agriville like to throw out the word vision, Moe should pull his head out of his ass on this one

                Last edited by foragefarmer; Jul 6, 2024, 06:27.


                  Canola moved up this week the satellites must have spotted my shitty canola


                    Canola crop is about two weeks behind thanks to the wet June and no heat.

                    45 day cold cycle Drew talks about if it continues means a early August Frost.

                    I lived the 2002 and 2004 Frost years with very little cash from grain sales and a useless Ag stability that I had to pay back after the 2004 wipeout. Gov programs don't work and most don't help.

                    Sad part of it happens again Ottawa is broke thanks to Justin so a lot of farmers would be ****ed.

                    But well.keep giving the crop help up until it goes down hill, that's farming

                    1/2 in out of this cloud so that's 2 in plus for the week so far.

                    Acres getting lost each rain now.

                    Mud is a dud!

                    But at least its not the 4 in downpour


                      Hail storms everyday. So far dodged all the bullets but a guys luck doesn't last forever.


                        Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

                        Why not teachers, the shit they put up with in the classrooms these days in not the same as what is was when we went to school.

                        Broken homes, disrepect, cell phones, not to mention the parents who blame everybody else for their own lack of parenting skills. Nothing more than a drop off babysitting for some.

                        Everybody wants their children to have a good education, you get what you pay for.

                        Two neices from SK who are teachers gave me the run down a month ago.

                        As some on Agriville like to throw out the word vision, Moe should pull his head out of his ass on this one

                        what other job you know of you work 9-3 and get christmas off, spring break off, easter off and 2 months in the summer off and make $90k? By the way thats damn near the same as nurses.

                        Nurses deserve everything they get. Teachers are overpaid in my opinion.
                        Last edited by Herc; Jul 6, 2024, 08:46.


                          Originally posted by Herc View Post

                          what other job you know of you work 9-3 and get christmas off, spring break off, easter off and 2 months in the summer off and make $90k? By the way thats damn near the same as nurses.

                          Nurses deserve everything they get. Teachers are overpaid in my opinion.
                          Any teachers on here, or have wives or husbands in the classroom to weigh in on the topic?


                            Want to make a teacher squirm tell them they should get paid by the hour like most other occupations do . They get paid about the same annual salary as a nurse but per hour worked much much more. I have a daughter in law in both professions and seen there t4 for last year. The nurse works in emerg in large hospital and very seldom makes it home at the end of her shift. Makes for a shitty family life. Teacher home every day at 4 , no weekend work , countless days off. Both notable professions just one is a much easier lifestyle.


                              Bus runs 200 days


                                Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

                                Any teachers on here, or have wives or husbands in the classroom to weigh in on the topic?
                                Teachers in my family include: mother, sister, wife, Mother in Law and her father, Grandpa and most of his siblings plus his father, cousin's children, second cousins, my mom's cousins, etc.

                                The teachers who care do earn their keep, for the few who are just putting in time, its a great gig.

                                The hard working teachers are likely underpaid during their careers, but when you add up all the benefits over a lifetime, it is one of the most profitable careers relative to the education required and hours worked.

                                I met my grade 6 teacher and her teacher husband a couple of years ago, they have now been retired for more years than they worked. That defined benefits retirement isn't sustainable. When the average tax paying working stiff who pays for it that doesn't have access to the same level of benefits.
                                Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Jul 6, 2024, 11:08.


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