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    I was being flippant, cp, and and I shouldn't give that kind of answer.

    1. I will continue to be as conscious an environmentalist as I can be.
    2. I will not ride a horse to town, I want to keep my car.
    3.I think there is pollution that can be reduced/reversed,, there is climate change for the reason that is yet undiagnosed, we waste resources, but are adapting to finding ways to use and manage the "peelings".
    4. I don't have the answers,and neither does anyone else, but one massive movement in one direction is stupid if hindsight shows we should have been heading north instead of south. There's safety in different decisions.
    5. Paste "Where's the crisis" on your forehead when you want to get caught up in a movement.

    That's it for me.



      How does 112 taste pars.

      Take a look out your window and imagine 112 humans taking everything they need out a section of land.

      This decade,last decade,next decade.This century,last century,next century.

      Tell me i'm wrong.


        Geez what's up dude? You can't defend your hero's Gore and Suzuki on global warming so now you add Paul Ehrlich to the collection.

        If you want to talk about the overpopulation myth fine start another thread.

        It's a different topic.

        In the mean time answer the questions climate holocaust or not?

        And name a piece of evidence Tim Ball has got wrong.


          Am I fortunate to live in a G7 country where the choices made before me, and after me, help determine how we live and will live?

          You bet.



            Now I'm no expert on climate. For years I read Tim Balls weather column in the Country Guide and I thought he was pretty good! The "rip" on Tim Ball(as well as any other scientist who questions global warming) is he is being funded by the oil companies...therefore is totally unbelievable!
            But wait a minute...where does David Suzuki get his money? Fact: Two of his major corporate sponsors are Encana and ATCO gas! Throw in Toyota also!
            So does this mean old Dave has no credibility?
            Did anyone catch what he said in Calgary? About how Albertans are too dumb and greedy to do the right thing about his wacky Kyoto scam?
            Maybe its time to get out the tar and feathers and ride this snakeoil salesman out of town on a rail!


              The oil companies funding Ball allegation is bogus. And besides which is irrelevant to the evidence, it's the evidence that matters.


                Lets get back to some more evidence from Greenland.

                Satellite data published in the November 2005 issue of Science did show that Greenland was losing about 25 cubic miles of ice per year, meaning Greenland was shedding ice at the rate of only about 0.4 percent per century.

                Earlier this month, Science published another paper showing that the recent acceleration of Greenland's ice loss had suddenly reversed.

                According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, at the 2005 rate, Greenland's ice loss would have contributed less than an inch to sea level rise during the 21st century.

                An earlier study published in Science by Ola Johannessen of the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, found that ice was actually accumulating on Greenland's interior glaciers.

                British environmental analyst Lord Christopher Monckton says the Greenland ice sheet grew an average extra thickness of 2 inches a year from 1993 to 2003.

                A study published by the National Center for Policy Analysis reported that not only had the Greenland ice mass grown, but that average summer temperatures at the summit of the
                Greenland ice sheet have decreased 4 degrees Fahrenheit per decade since the late 1980s.

                Further, Petr Chylek of the department of physics and atmospheric
                science at Dalhousie University notes that Gore in his movie suggests
                the Greenland melt area increased considerably between 1992 and
                2005. But, as Chylek points out, 1992 was exceptionally cold in
                Greenland and if Gore had chosen for comparison the year 1991, he would
                have to conclude that the ice sheet melt area is shrinking and that
                perhaps a new Ice Age is just around the corner.


                  Darn climate just dosen't want to cooperate does it?

                  Al Gore would feel right at home in the CWB communications department.


                    "uh,well, ya but err uh those are interesting statistics you quote fransisco, but we all know that global warming actually causes global cooling in certain areas" ......(sarcasm off)

                    That was a pre-emptive comment that was bound to be issued from one of the cult-members of the man-made ghg global warming faith.

                    I've read so many articles about the "possible" effects of climate change and none of them are ever consistent or favorable. For example, if you live in a dry, drought prone area, well global warming will make it even more dry and hot. If you live in a flood prone area, well guess what, more floods. If you live in a hurricane prone area, more hurricanes.
                    Basically if anything is bad it will only get worse, so BE AFRAID! Sacrifice your methane farting cows and suvs now to appease the kyoto gods....


                      Actually they also argue when things are good they're bad as well. Sahara dessert is shrinking, its greening over. You would think that would be good, nope its bad.

                      If we get a little bit of a longer growing season up here and people don't have to pay as high a heating bill and shovel as much snow thats bad.

                      Anything that deviates from what is statitically 'normal'(whatever that is) is bad.



                        I really think we should admit Cottonpicken is RIGHT on global warming.

                        SInce the early 1990's the CWB has been passing more and more BS... to the point a couple of years ago they proclaimed themselves to be 100% BULL!

                        THe BS flowing out of that CWB Bull has a real and present danger of increasing green house gasses.
                        This in turn will really distorts grain production... thereby decreasing CO2 consumption... and increasing Bull production significantly which in return adds large amounts of both methane and CO2 to the green house senerio.

                        Therefore I vote that CottonPicken is right on Global Warming... but that a very simple solution is in order!

                        A BBQ!

                        We can go get the gas to fire the BBQ from Highland Feeders by Vegreville... to be sure we don't add to global warming when we roast that Bull!


                          Beam me up Spock ,

                          with the exception of CP
                          there doesn"t seem to be any intelligent life forms on this planet.


                            Would you mind taking Vader and Agstar with you on your voyage to where no man has gone before?


                              Looks like you're not going to start the thread on overpopulation. Pity.

                              Oh well, I'll give you the simple answer then. You may not have heard of these but they're called <b>'cities'.<b/>


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