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    Originally posted by helmsdale View Post

    I definitely understand. I suspect that there was considerable "carry over" at this location as they would have likely suspected there'll be alot of light weight durum in the neighborhood. Their main commodities are durum, lentils, and yellow peas. If they could hold a decent amount of "heavy" durum, they would have blending ability this year. As one friend who grows HRS told me, "I might have to download an app to learn mandarin so I can pawn this stuff off as brown rice rather than take a 3 on account of weight!" Another neighbor has been going on early seeded durum and the volume is quite impressive given the year, but it was in super early and his combine is telling him ~30bu/ac by volume, and then he dumps it into his cart and it says 27... Rough math says its 57lb... That is gonna be awful hard to make disappear.

    On another note, I think I seen on X that canada pulled a durum contract for delivery to one of the north african countries? Contracted loads were apparently panamax, so Im guessing that'll come out of vancouver and transit the canal? First question, is the canal back in full operation? I haven't seen anything lately. 2nd is that durum in store vancouver? Because I'll be damned if I want to eat the demurage costs associated with empty boats sitting in harbor while the crew parties it up on shore!
    I understand that with the low water in the lake by the Panama canal, traffic is still flowing. The rates have gone up and traffic is about half.

    So grain diverts due to cost. Cheaper to go the long way.


      Originally posted by bucket View Post
      The freedom convoy supposedly cost the economy billions in trade which led some of the justification to the emergencies act. At the very least if this stale bunch of liberals can't see the end game here and start tomorrow with talk of back to work legislation or arbitration , there is something wrong with this country.

      Railways should never have concurrent contracts or expiry dates in the September to November time frame. Why would the government allow that?
      Both rail CO’s workers belong to the Teamsters. Go figure.


        combined some 52 pound barley today I think a guy could make some steers chubby with this stuff if you can't get that cheap yanky corn


          Because I don't get paid to watch things like the railways everyday like others , for example - the transport minister, labor minister etc.

          I have to apologize for some of my nonsense. The railway/worker contact expired at the end of last year . They haven't been able to negotiate a new contract in 8 months, and federal MPs have been silent?

          Now it's not just the Railway's & union's fault they are going to shut down the economy.

          It's every MP's fault for ignoring the issue that long. Maybe a few lobby groups as well.

          Its unbelievable that MPs go on a summer BBQ circuit and completely ignore the single biggest economic issue facing the country.

          Logistics are already being phucked up halfway around the world for goods coming to Canada. Maersk made changes announced Monday morning.

          Its just incredible.


            Railways brought it upon themselves as well. Cutting costs cutting workers and putting more load on a smaller workforce while increasing freight volumes. Remember Hunter Harrison? Shareholder profits vs the good of the Canadian economy. Not absolving the Teamsters neither. Federal govt don’t care like Obama in his final days hiding. They’ll crash and burn the ship and make it ungovernable as best they can. Liberal a swear word till the goldfish attention span public forgets and back in they go. Wash rinse repeat.


              I remember when Reagan fired the air traffic controllers....


                Don't see any Reagan's in the near future.
                Poilievre may be the closest in the G20.
                Won't know till/if he gets his chance.


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