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Demurrage costs

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    Demurrage costs

    I was just wondering if the railways are penalized at all when the ships are sitting waiting to be loaded? I see no reason why the farmer should have to pay for demurrage costs when the delay is because of the railway.


    Monopoly against monopoly, farmers believe in monopolies the CWB, Supply management... and the right to "extract" a premium out of who ever...

    When ever...

    Why should the railways or Railway Unions be any different?

    Isn't this just the cost of doing business in Canada?

    Aren't our monopolies providing enough of a premium for farmers' produce... so we can afford paying for what we should expect?


      If we could some how convince the government to pay for demerage then maybe we can get railways declaired an essential service.
      As far as I am concerned because we only have 2 railways then they should be responsible to move what ever commodity needs moving at the time even if it is 50 percent of all grain exports in 2 months, just an example of course. maybe this is good for another topic.


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