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dying cwb

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    dying cwb

    40 people showed up to the huge rally staged in regina on Feb. 24 for the "save my cwb" campaign. A fitting end to a obsolete institution.

    YOu are always so darn negative on the CWB



      lesm is simply making a fitting response to a VERY NEGATIVE organisation.

      Where do the "single desk" CWB directors get off at anyway?

      There should be no Bars in Canada, no liquor, at all... because people can get drunk and hurt and kill other people.

      We should not allow chocalate sales in Canada... candy shops should be outlawed... because there are obese or unhealthy people in Canada that shouldn't eat it... and could dye because of it.

      There should be no Coffee shops or Donut shops in Canada... because the rise in cream consumption has gone through the roof... because the success of these stores.
      THis has caused heart desease and these obese or people in poor health must be stopped from hurting themselves.

      Grocery stores must be licensed to stop people from buying too much food... they are killing themselves!

      SUV's should be outlawed because they burn too much fuel!

      THe list is endless!

      Just because some people have a problem with self discipline in selling grain... and at time make bad choices... doesn't mean the freedom to make the decision must be taken away from all grain growers!

      Legislation to protect against stupidity... is stupidity itself;

      Why, because those being sought to be protected will simply find another way to hurt themselves instead, and those who don't need the law are hurt as well!


        40 people showed up hey? Let me guess the photos of this "huge" rally will all be real closeups to enhance how "huge" it was.

        Also, nice post tom4cwb. The scary thing is the "Obese Police" may not be a joke in the near future.


          From savemycwb.ca

          Policy Statement

          We support the three pillars of the Canadian Wheat Board: single-desk selling, price pooling and government guarantees. We feel that the Canadian Wheat Board plays a vital role in grain handling, transportation (freight rates) and in farm advocacy.

          No Canadian Wheat Board means no producer cars, no control over freight rates, no independent inland terminals, no Port of Churchill, no railroad to Churchill, no premiums for malt barley, no Warburton Wheat contracts, no market development that serves farmers needs, no independent export terminals. The loss of the Canadian Wheat Board represents a huge loss to farmers, but also the whole country in general.

          Transnational corporations will not operate in the best interest of farmers or Canada. Without the Canadian Wheat Board, the east-west movement of grain in Canada will evaporate, as U.S. based transnationals integrate our grain handling and transportation system with their own and move grain south.

          We will work with and support progressive organizations that are fighting for the Canadian Wheat Board, such as the National Farmers Union, Real Voice for Choice and Friends of the CWB.

          No Canadian Wheat Board means no producer cars (maybe, maybe not, but producer cars exist because of the huge tariffs that are allowed to exist for handling cwb grains), no control over freight rates (yeah, and that would be bad because ???) , no independent inland terminals (false, ND and SD are full of farmer owned co-operative inland terminals. I guess Canadians are just too stupid to run their own businesses!), no Port of Churchill (False, so would Criss Angel fly up there from Vegas and make it disappear, ooh ), no railroad to Churchill (False, if Omnitrax can't put a competant business plan together in order keep operating well then they shouldn't be allowed to function (just like Prairie Pasta right!) , no premiums for malt barley (totally false), no Warburton Wheat contracts (totally false Warbuton's product is based on Western Canadian WHEAT, not CWB Wheat), no market development that serves farmers needs (What, no more Algerian Durum Sales, I better call Ritchie Brothers pronto), no independent export terminals (oh the horror). The loss of the Canadian Wheat Board represents a huge loss to farmers (No, the opposite is true), but also the whole country in general, (well it would really only be 500 jobs in Winnipeg , but saying the whole country sounds much more dire).


            Ja-mo et al;

            My Wise Father-in-law learnt this from his father when he was 6 years old:

            "All rules and regulations are made for the obedience of fools, and the guidance of Wise Men."


              Just fooling around here with some codes to see how it works.

              No Canadian Wheat Board means

              <ul> no producer cars,
              no control over freight rates,
              no independent inland terminals,
              no Port of Churchill,
              no railroad to Churchill,
              no premiums for malt barley,
              no Warburton Wheat contracts,
              no market development that serves farmers needs,
              no independent export terminals. </ul>


                Hmm, lets try this,

                No Canadian Wheat Board means

                <ol> no producer cars,
                no control over freight rates,
                no independent inland terminals,
                no Port of Churchill,
                no railroad to Churchill,
                no premiums for malt barley,
                no Warburton Wheat contracts,
                no market development that serves farmers needs,
                no independent export terminals. </ol>


                  Okay one more try

                  No Canadian Wheat Board means

                  <li>1</li> no producer cars,
                  <li>2</li> no control over freight rates,
                  <li>3</li> no independent inland terminals,
                  <li>4</li> no Port of Churchill,
                  <li>5</li> no railroad to Churchill,
                  <li>6</li>no premiums for malt barley,
                  <li>7</li> no Warburton Wheat contracts,
                  <li>8</li> no market development that serves farmers needs,
                  <li>9</li>no independent export terminals. </ol>


                    Getting closer.

                    Anyways for the record I do not buy into the fear mongering list.


                      40 people showed up in Regina?
                      That is huge!
                      I heard more speakers showed up than farmers at the Humboldt rally.


                        I can see it now, Western producer photos focussed on the speakers.


                          Fransisco, why did you stop there?

                          No farmers
                          No one to purchase my farm
                          No suppliers
                          No towns
                          No schools
                          No offboard grains
                          Off board grains sold for nothing
                          American border slamming shut

                          Wheat board statement, " Farmers can be welfare recipients"


                            13 Reasons why farmers need the Board:
                            YOU GET TO:
                            1.Pay for demmurage
                            2. Pay for CIGI
                            3. Pay for University grants
                            4. Pay for scholarships
                            5. Pay for funding Uof S AgEcon Dept Staff Studies
                            6. Pay for International Trade Wars
                            7. Pay for licensing every flour mill and feed mill exporting.
                            8. Pay for port cleaning
                            9. Pay for transportation
                            10. Pay volume by having your contract broken by the Board.
                            11.Pay for political donations and suppers
                            12. Pay for licennsing across Canada
                            13. Pay for Canada Custom compliance
                            14. Pay for a weather station!


                              15. Pay for SARM annual convention.


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