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dying cwb

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    16. Pay for advertising propaganda aimed at farmers to convince us of what a good job they are doing.


      17. Pay for travel to see far off clients - even though the AE's are already doing it (sometimes they see each other in the airports or even in the clients office.

      Price tag: $2.6 million


        18. Pay for HUGE Legal costs to fight the Minister Responsible... who didn't want "designated area" growers to pay for the political "single desk" promotional expenses listed above and below;

        19. Pay for Legal costs to fight a Political public relations fiasco, to fight against paying for the CWB CEO/President's Wages;

        20. Pay for CWB Directors to spend day after day... @ $500/day, to fight the people of Canada, the gov. of Canada, the grain growers of Canada... who simply need the CWB to respect and honour those they were supposed to serve;

        21. Pay for the time we spend trying to counter the bunch of communist retoric the above "single desk" DIrectors are trying to ram down Canadians, Customers, and Grain Growers throats... communist retoric that everyone knows is a dead end and wasted time talking about;

        22. Pay for a deplorable job of selling "Designated Area" grain... because CWB /management/staff are so confused about what their job discriptions are... they don't realise/can't understand what they are supposed to work towards each day... as the Code of COnduct and Conflict of Interest Guidlines don't reconcile with management orders;



          8. Pay for port cleaning...

          THEN, we get to pay for the adding back of dockage into the cleaned grain... because the enduser wants the dockage, everyone else sends... so we add it back and send it to them;


            23. Pay for mistakes. Like shipping wheat from Churchill to Vancouver, or shipping wheat from Montreal to Vancouver.


              24. Pay for the CWB to undercut the market... any time, any place, to any country on the globe... through the Pooling accounts.

              25. Pay for the CWB to scross subsidise the pool accounts through PPO contracts, through adjustment factors and payments out of the Contingency Fund.


                26. Pay for faulty Risk Management through the Contingency Fund;

                27. Yearly, if the Pools run out of money because of CWB undercutting the market... as Canadian taxpayers we get to fund the undercutting through CWB Pool Guarrentees;


                  28. Pay for CSL (Paul Martins family) boats to haul CWB grain at VERY profitable prices;


                    29. Pay the interest & storage costs on wheat and barley the CWB locks inside the "designated area" and refuses to market;

                    30. Pay a ficticious CWB buy-back charge on wheat or barley I grew & need to market myself... that most other multi-national marketers get (the export licnese) free in direct competition with my farm;



                      Kind of like the 40 ways why you want to leave your lover!

                      31. Pay for the transportation of the dockage to Port position... while not being paid for the dockage... which a times (the dockage) is worth more than the produce (wheat or barley) being sold!


                        Thats it Parsley... I am filing for a...


                        I hear it is ...wrong... to continue in an abusive relationship... and is the fault of the abused person... if they won't stop the abuse and say... NO ... enough is enough!


                          32. Pay the cost of legal challenges trying to divorce from the CWB tyrnany... and usually must pay for both sides (double jeopardy)


                            LOL, You guys are on quite a roll here.


                              33. Pay for the cost of physciatric care for the above authors.


                                Be realistic mustardman, the CWB will not pay for farmers' stress, they will only pay for "stressfull" times for STAFF.

                                It is what it is.

                                Stress pay for staff, pay staff to attend political functions, pay staff to buy luxury cars in Beijing (leasing now). Staff. Staff. Staff.



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