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dying cwb

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    Mustardman you stated that your lentil traders where trading your lentils at a 50% discount to the competition, then you state there is no competition. I do not grow lentils on my farm because I am not in the correct zone for producing good qualitly lentils. But seems to me there must be a supply and demand situation working on the market.


      Sometimes I think we too easily blame things on large multinational companies. How about rail transportation problem and all what is involved with transfering containers to ships.


        I am INFINITLY more pissed at the lentil market than wheat market.

        We are getting f@cked by somebody!!


          CP and Mustardman, please see Lentil topic above.


            mustardman, Don't waste your time on the guys on this forum, they are all lackeys, working with the grain companies, AB gov't or railroads. Trying to divide and conquer, destroy farming as we know it. They have been successful in turning it into Angribusiness!! The CWB is a bastion of Canadian Ag, they want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Kill the Crow, kill the Crow, then we can growwww! Remember that chant a while ago. Woww was that a success story that should amaze all concerned. Tear down the old, in with the new, then screw, screw, screw.....



              DO you actually grow barley and sell it all to the CWB each year?


                We are growing since the crow is gone.
                Did it really make sense to try to ship everything we can out of the country? I guess if you are a chinese sponsored wheat board then yes.
                I am a farmer.


                  And we are growing since we got rid of the 2 price wheat system where canadian millers had to pay double the export price from the chinese sponsored CWB.

                  Shortsitedness will get us nowhere.


                    Tomrcwb, Yes, yes tom, I grow and sell to the cwb, each and every year. I have however sold barley on the open market, at times, when the money is right and circumstances dictate, ie cash flow. I have sold to feeders, neighbours and given grain away. I have been is small claims court, trying to collect from neighbours and that are slow/refuse to pay for stuff. Currently I am waiting for a cheque from C---il, about 3 weeks now and wondering what the heck is going on! Malt/feed barley that I sold. Wow ag is really moving forward, no doubt about it. Bet if there were no Cwb market forces will take us in more strange directions, all leading towards the Civil courts, to try and collect monies owed to our farm.


                      kamicheal, YOU are growing since the crow is gone, you must be a cow/guy. How about the rest of us poor grain shmucks!! Good for you, you are the only one who counts in this country, a legened in your own mind. You say losing the CROW was a good thing, man talk about totally screwed and being, dillussionallllllllllll! Let me think, 9/ll was good for the arms industry in america, and around the world, nuf said. @##$%%$@$%^^$##$



                        It is obvious that competition for your grain draws the price up, makes it worth more... especially when there is more risk involved.

                        When I sold into the US market, took all the risk on getting paid... like you did Burbert... why exactly was the CWB entitled to take a buyback extraction out of my hide?

                        It would be no different than if on some of your domestic barley sales Burbert... that the CWB took $.50/bu off your premium... cash up front... then you didn't get paid on top... as is your complaint!

                        THis buyback system is senseless, it does not follow the intent of the CWB Act as it was created to work.

                        Logically what the CWB says does not match practical experience.

                        Why didn't you sell all of your barley to the CWB BUrbert... if you don't trust anyone else? WHy blame growers who attempt to get a better price... the opposite of CWB monopoly theory.

                        The only real monopoly the CWB operates is to confiscate grain growers funds and grain... not to maximise returns for growers as claimed... it brings us down to the lowest common denominator.


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