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late canola contracts

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    late canola contracts

    Well I fracked up and let my HOLL april/may canola contracts slide on a promise that everything will be caught up by summer. well it didn't now the rail strike is the excuse that the crusher(rhymes with beer) is using for more delays. so local terminal opened up a bin for the canola. wouldn't you know a hot spot in bin and load was 5% heated...sorry can't take it.

    now a guy who believes that the virus was a lab experiment gone rogue may also believe that this certain crusher knew a bunch of canola would go out of condition just to get out of paying the $100/tonne premium. Another baseless conspiracy theory

    I'm old enough to know better but just tired enough to give people the benefit of doubt and believe what i'm told ...yes i should have turned the canola. the single opi cable down the middle missed the hot spot.

    dont get me wrong the employees are all local community minded people who truly care, it's not their fault. the big companies put them on the front line to execute profitable deals.

    These big family grain companies will fight for every friggin nickle.

    oh and for a special bonus I'll be paying the freight for the trucking from terminal to crusher. my new to me Pete that I bought to make the trip and lineups at the crusher a bit more comfortable will be hauling grain from the combine... eventually...hopefully.

    live and learn

    I feel your pain, sorry this happened. Had heated canola a few years ago because we had too short of opi cables.

    I agree with your conclusion on the employees of all the big grain company’s. They hire the nicest, friendliest, prettiest people to deliver paper work to screw you. You can’t scream at them because they coach hockey teams, sponsor your kids soccer team, or went to university with your children. They are like the Romans hiring Jewish tax collectors. I offer no solutions just frustration.


      Can you deliver new crop on the contract or????


        Originally posted by shtferbrains View Post
        Can you deliver new crop on the contract or????
        since they took 4 months to perform on the contract one might presume another month wouldn't matter...yes?


          Originally posted by wrongway View Post

          since they took 4 months to perform on the contract one might presume another month wouldn't matter...yes?
          That would be a reasonable expectation, hopefully you can resolve this with no pain.


            Only time I ever lost canola it was specialty stuff. Sorry to hear.
            Maybe you can buy someone else's to fill if price high enough. Assume a last year's price?


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