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Check off dollar rebate

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    Check off dollar rebate

    If you haven’t applied yet don’t bother it’s to late, it’s now a tax write off.
    looking forward to shutting these useless organizations down.

    These checkoffs are basically a tax on the production of commodities. None of the work they do is a benefit to my operation and given that I will lose money on production this year, these organizations should look to the beneficiaries of their work for funding.


      As my father in law always said when i complained about farming, quit , if farming doesnt pay then get out and quit blaming everyone else.Any other business that loses money either sells out or locks it doors. why should farming be any differant.


        Originally posted by fcr View Post
        As my father in law always said when i complained about farming, quit , if farming doesnt pay then get out and quit blaming everyone else.Any other business that loses money either sells out or locks it doors. why should farming be any differant.
        We may be related. Mine told me to get out at 40 a quarter. But in his defense he is polish.


          My fil is also polish.


            If your FIL would have put up an ounce of resistance our industry wouldn’t be overloaded with parasites.
            Sounds like WEF advice, go along with the plan or leave.


              Weird that farmers on here complaining about a couple thousand bucks worth of checkoffs but not about million dollar used tractors and combines that cant run for more than a day


                I don’t buy those tractors or combines so a few thousand bucks actually means something.


                  I have issues with what they do and have occasionally asked for a refund with a clearly stated reason.
                  What would you replace them with?


                    I was on one of the checkoff commitees. Saw first hand the good and the bad that they do. They all have their uses certainly and by in large they do alot of good for the farmers but there certainly are those who will abuse the system ( namely those members who do little and take lots). Also, there are some cost cutting efficiencys that could be done but on the whole.. the commossion i was on did great good. Send peanuts on the dollar to them I FEEL benefits me alot more than not.. especially when they do some good with breeding programs ( funding) and hopefully will help to keep the VUA parasites out of my pocket.
                    ( no the plant breeders should not be able to make us pay royalties on our farm saved seed unless its a true hybrid or i see some serious side by side yield data on certified seed yields vs farm saved yr over yr)

                    This is just 1 mans opinion and i understand how many farmers feel like the commitees are useless. The real issue is the toothlessness of all.organizations against govt lobbyists and govts that willl do basically whatever they please.


                      For instance,

                      What can the canadian canola council do in regards to the chinese canola dumping allegations against canada?

                      Any govt in power would follow what the usa did ... 100% tarriff against chinese evs... regardless of what they may or may not say ( the easiest thing in govt is to be the opposition party).
                      so how exactly does canola council ... help in his situation?

                      A sternly written letter to........



                      Hey Xi,

                      F*ck off,


                      Canada canola


                        2 cents, no answers.
                        Maybe a division of research and advocacy.
                        We have no power in the Senate as do our Southern neighbors.
                        We seem to have the same old variety research blah blah, public better yada yada and no lobby power.
                        Pay industry more for research. ?.
                        Pay lobbyists far more. ?
                        Think NRA.
                        I'm happy paying appropriately if they would wake up.


                          Trash me all you like.
                          I have a relate who has built a successful N.A. company specializing in govt liaison work for a select industry with large players.
                          I'm sure he's not cheap. But if they want a new product registered they hire him. He has known all the people behind the politicians for 35 years.
                          Would you pay his fees if you got results?
                          Question. How many hillbilly hick farmers play private courses with MPs or CEOs?
                          Our minds may never leave our little farms but the products we rely on selling sure as hell do.
                          Everything is about politics.
                          Think research on GMO wheat was well spent without political will?
                          Bitch to a reporter about any regulation be it transportation antiquities or chem registry. See how far it gets you.
                          We have to spend money to make it and some will make more than others.
                          But no. We keep reading the same articles in the same newspapers for 50 years. We bitch about the same damn things. Nothing changes because we do nothing different.
                          We thought we had the CWB do it for us and look where that got us.
                          I merely think we need to evolve.
                          Which is polite speak for grow up.


                            And maybe just maybe if we accept that someone might make more money than us, we could start to agree on policy. We are our own worst enemies.


                              If the NRA's annual income averages $1 per citizen.
                              Why aren't we spending $35M a year?
                              What's in the WGRF?
                              What's it used for?
                              Oh right, another wheat variety that takes 10 years to develop that no one wants to pay for.
                              Last edited by blackpowder; Sep 6, 2024, 15:48.


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