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Harvesting Opportunity aka Farmer Shakedowns

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    Harvesting Opportunity aka Farmer Shakedowns

    Here's one PDF you want to read at :


    It's a big long central planning document by the People's Republic of the Wheat Board, divined while they should have been selling your grain!

    Now here's a digging-deep statement in their neurotic ramblings:

    "As a farmer-driven Canadian organization, the CWB has a vested interest in ensuring the
    ongoing viability of its owners, western Canadian grain farmers."

    No kidding. Somebody remembered farmers pay the salaries!

    They get into the fine print too. You get to do a little peeping on the CWB gurus inviting in their cultists to meditate, all expenses paid, and hum in unison, "We want the Wheat Board", with the chanting reverberating from the keyboards of the apostles:

    "The CWB has held annual Combine to Customer Alumni Conferences in each of the past two years."

    UH HUH

    "Each conference was attended by 150 western Canadian farmers. Participants are alumni from an intensive one-week course held in Winnipeg to discuss the Prairie grain industry, where participants are invited to provide their views and guidance to the
    CWB board of directors."

    UH HUH

    "These farmers have been identified as “leading producers” and represent a wide variety of age groups, regions and viewpoints."

    UH HUH

    "Additionally, farmers regularly express their views on the western Canadian grain marketing system through annual farmer surveys, CWB farmer forums and conversations with directors and staff."

    UH HUH!
    Any smoking at the love-in??

    Betcha not one choice farmer got invited to that single-spa massage parlez.

    One of the messages I found humorous was this one:

    "The single-desk prevents this erosion of value."

    Not for farmers, it doesn't! The Board looks after the Board and don't forget it.

    You really should read where these elected Directors want to lead...YOU

    They want more-more of the same.

    That's THE PLAN.


    They wouldn't happen to be looking at harvesting some taxpayers dollars as well,would they?



      Actually they do let the odd lackey come to a meeting on the plantation from time to time... this keeps some slaves calm, not too discouraged, and they tend to work more fruitfully later in the working season when they are allowed express themselves during the long cold winter!

      "The largest wheat and barley plantation in the world (known in the CWB Act as the “designated area”), is made possible by CWB "Single Desk" Communist Con Artists. Since becoming one of Canada’s biggest deceptions, the Winnipeg-based organization now dumps grain confiscated by it into over (70) countries around the globe. It then extracts massive and rising "marketing costs", from its lackeys to better the lives of the CWB Masters.”


        "As part of this transformation, the board of directors proposes that the CWB alter its structure from a shared-governance corporation to a not-for-profit, non-share capital corporation that is entirely farmer controlled."


        Singledesk farmerowned legislated





        supply management?



          They are thinking...Compulsory... and aggressive and single desky!

          Primary grain handling and elevation;

          1.Grain handling and elevation at port position;

          2.Value-added processing, including, milling and baking facilities, malting facilities and ethanol production facilities, nutraceutical production facilities;

          3.Financial and risk-management services for farmers;

          4.The manufacture, wholesale and retail distribution of crop inputs, including seed, fertilizer and
          chemical; and

          5.The infrastructure, if required to conduct the above business activities."

          Oh boy, won't these elected directors go on a buying binge with your money?

          Would they buy ...say, flour mills in Indonesia, and invest in geothermal?

          Value-adding? How about ....hot barley gum for spitting? Lots of research there during spin-time around the Board table, and a perfect product for stamping the vision of DA farm products on the world stage's psyche...."We're Forever Blowing Bubbles".


          PS Did you note the "nutraceutical production facilities"?

          These CWB boys can extend the monopoly to flax, expropriate Pizzey's in Manitoba, and use it as their business model. To save costs, of course.



            Parsley, What about gold mining? An obvious side line, CGB.


              wedino, Are you jhaving a storm down there this morning? BTW Try Polaris on sedar.


              The Leader-Post (Regina)
              DATE: 2007.02.28

              Letter to the Editor

              by Tom Lukiwski

              'This is not a fair system'

              Western farmers have an opportunity to vote in a historic plebiscite.

              The plebiscite will determine the future of the Canadian Wheat Board
              (CWB) concerning the sale of barley.

              I would like to encourage all qualified barley producers to exercise their vote.

              I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation for why the Canadian Wheat Board only applies to western farmers.

              A grain farmer in Ontario can sell his crops to whoever offers the highest price while a western farmer is obligated to sell only to the CWB.

              Further, producers are required to sell to the board even if the offering price is lower then what would be available in the open market.

              This is not a fair system. The decision on whether to continue the board's monopoly should be made on the basis of fairness and profitability for farmers.

              The business case of malt barley is a simple one.

              Brewers are consistently paying higher prices than what is returned to the farmer through the board.

              The easiest way to put more money in producers' pockets is to allow them to deal directly with brewers rather than having a middleman skim profits off the top.

              A free market for barley would bring efficiency and profitability for farmers.

              Agriculture has changed significantly since the CWB was formed. With the emergence of biofuel technologies, farm-to-plate awareness among food processors has greatly increased.

              In an open-market situation, producers would have more opportunities than ever to price-compare before selling their crops.

              As it has been the case for decades, the CWB has limited farmers to only one selling point.

              Tom Lukiwski

              Lukiwski is the Conservative MP for Regina-Lumsden-Lake Centre.



                Hey Parsley, Good dump of snow today, 6" maybe 8" so far.


                  Tom Likuwski and others go on about the designated utopia,but not everyone can be part of our CWB sceme.Of course you have to have walls to create perfection.I just came back from a trip to Germany and what i noticed was the huge difference in the number of farm yards.The fields are much bigger in the former East.

                  You see comrades, the real reason the iron curtain was built was to keep out all the people who were trying to get in.The CWB like all communism has succeeded in driving hundreds of thousands off the land.See what a tremendous advantage that is?Eliminating all hope is the key to building collectivism.Then the people will buy anything.


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