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Maaaster, ppplease FFFreeedom from Killam!

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    Maaaster, ppplease FFFreeedom from Killam!

    From the plantations of Canada's outer reaches and backwaters... there is a mighty rebellion by some wheat and barley plantation workers!

    These multi-generational workers have been toiling for nearly a century to break loose from the;

    Temporal Maaasters of the "Designated Area" the NDP/Liberal/CWB.

    THese temporal masters don't appreciate the humour of some of the lackeys.. who have had the odasity to make jokes about the injustice happening... and that these slaves are voting on their freedom...as we speak!

    Imagine that... unbelievable!

    One lackey tom4cwb came up with what many temporal Maaasters consider a Blasphemy:

    "The largest wheat and barley plantation in the world (known in the CWB Act as the “designated area”), is made possible by CWB "Single Desk" Communist Con Artists. Since becoming one of Canada’s biggest deceptions, the Winnipeg-based organization now dumps grain confiscated by it into over (70) countries around the globe. It then extracts massive and rising "marketing costs", from its lackeys to better the lives of the CWB Masters.”

    The temporal Maaasters believe it should instead say:

    Give me your wheat and barley, or I will have you thrown in jail.

    oooops... slip or the key there... must have had my wireless intercepted there!

    The temporal Masters SAID:

    "Controlled by western Canadian farmers, the CWB is the largest wheat and barley marketer in the world. One of Canada’s biggest exporters, the Winnipeg-based organization sells grain to over 70 countries and returns all sales revenue, less marketing costs, to farmers."

    Some of the Divine Maaasters & councilors even object to the arrogant and decieving statements the Temporal Maaasters repeat... over and over as a mantra... as if doing this will make it come true!

    The Cheif Divine Maaaster... is considered to have slipped up and has all the other temporal masters mad. HE had the odasity to ask the slaves to vote on their own freedom! Imagine that! How disturbing!

    THe bets are on by the temporal Maaasters that they can convince the slaves to reject a call for freedom... as the slaves have long known they have no idea how to market the crops grown on the plantation! Like dogs with radio control collars... Canada dare not turn off the parimeter security system!

    Stay tuned... for this fast moving time tested story... the temporal Maaasters are not going to allow this freedom thing to go to the slaves heads... and they claim they are going to dispose of the Divine Maaaster himself... and all of his COuncilors!!

    Reported from Killam... deep from within the plantation!

    Your're further gone than I thought T4 . You should seek help. T.I.C.


      Maybe he should get some stress pay


        What about a TV evangelist show where he could solicit funds to let his people go!!


          Gollum is that you??


            Mussst 'ave da precioussss!

            Da precioussss board grains'es....


              Tom,of coursethe comparison to slaves on the plantation is apt.Everyone knows that farmers are genetically inferior.They would be a threat to others AND TO THEMSELVES if allowed to roam free as though they were normal.

              They are better off under the care and control of their betters,city dwellers.The CWB directors,just having visited the big city immediately become vested with a feeling of superiority.They just need the power,the WHIP,if you will,to take care of us by requiring that we submit.


                winwin: I think the CWB caused old Tom to flip out. Pity, that they are so powerful as to drive him bonkers. Oh well, them's the breaks.


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