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China SWP

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    China SWP

    From the wild Oats news letter

    Street Smart - Jimmy Duguay

    Rumour has it China is about to buy SaskPool.
    Jimmy Duguay shines shoes at Portage and Main.

    Wild Oats is published 40 times per year by Wild Oats Publishing, 846 - 167 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg R3B 0V3. Tel. (204) 942-1459 Fax (204) 942-7652 E-mail: wildoats@canadagrain.com

    Is that gov't china or private ownership china. I am totally against Chinese gov't purchasing anything in Canada.


      Free enterprise it's a public company.
      Wouldn't that be interesting though, and I wonder who gave them the idea.


        That's the beauty of Canada's free enterprise system, they may have the right to buy whatever they want, but we have the right to sell to anyone we..want.....except wheat, durum and barley.......hmm on second thought.


          re:your question

          As I understand it even the private industry in china has a large govt oversight and shareholdings B.O.D. appointed by govt.
          Was there not a steel co. in Hamilton
          that was just bought out by the Chinese or is in the process of doing so?
          What's the difference if it's owned by the Chinese or Bay street Bankers. I feel that the Chinese would be a longer term more stable investor than the investment broker just looking to flip stock. IMHO
          Is this the yellow scourge or the beginning of something exiting?
          All in all this is still only a rumor from a shoe-shine in Winnipeg


            Chinese private investment would certainly add a new player in the grain recieving industry in Canada.
            We do have laws in Canada to prevent foriegn ownership of industries to work against the best interests our country.(I think)
            Maybe I am a little parranoid. The chinese have the capacity to purchase our whole country in one day. Chinese demand has usually resulted in price increases of our commodities yet the chinese have been crafty to purchase at the lower end of the price leaving other purchasers the higher price. Wonder how that will play out if they can now purchase direct with producers. They throw the CWB for a loop every time and are strict supporters of the monopoly system. What is next? Mass purchase of Western Canadian farmland? Maybe am just paranoid.


              I don't think your paranoid just ahead of your time. I do for-see a time when more and more land is owned by corporations, land trusts, mutual fund Co's or just big family farms it's happening all around the world.
              The question is do we as professional farmers try to beat ourselves against the wall or ride with it?
              Do we try to set up relationships with our customers by doing what we said we would, or do we get adversarial and just make lawyers and middlemen rich?


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