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IF #2 plus #3 equals 50%, who should resign?

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    IF #2 plus #3 equals 50%, who should resign?

    What if the majority of voters do not want a single desk?

    The CWB has said they cannot operate unless they have a single desk.

    Who will resign first, knowing they are not able to cope/function/are devoid of a working management plan?

    I say Bill Toewes has to quit on the spot.

    How can Toewes say the following and possibly stay on as a director of a changed CWB?

    "The term 'dual market' is not in my real world vocabulary. There is either a single desk or an open market."

    Toewes can't direct something that he believes doesn't exist.


    My guess is that the day the monopoly is officially over the dust will be flying from all the back-pedalling that Bill Toews, Ken Ritter etc will be doing to keep their jobs.



      THis is a BIG Poker game... and a massive BLUFF is being played by the "singleton" Directors!

      THis campaign counts on deception, and lack of knowledge of the issues at hand.

      One of my freinds (lets call him "Joe") had his northern AB pastor call him on the CWB standing on the church steps out of the blue... after a supper the other night!

      He said:"Why would anyone (in their right mind) be against a monopoly"?

      Joe then said... If you have about an hour... if you really want to know what is going on... we better go back inside.

      Joe then breifly explained that the CWB handled only about 15% of the worlds wheat and barley... and
      That the only monopoly the CWB had... was over the farmers in western Canada. And only a monopoly in buying our farmers grain.

      It was very obvious his eyes glazed over... he was lost from there on. No time to take an hour and try to explain what is really going on.

      The Pastor just shook his head... and said "none of this makes any sense"!

      CWB, 1; Joe barley grower, 0.


      The claims the CWB makes saying the "single desk" is anything like "supply management" are false.

      The malt barley coming into Calgary;
      Wheat can come into any flour mills anywhere in Canada;
      These CDN mills can buy & arbitage the CWB domestic prices down... any time they can find a deal.

      This is 200% different from the Supply managed sectors... that have massive tariff walls to keep out imports... and keep up domestic prices.

      None of what the CWB says adds up. People know this.

      The CWB's massive bluff is about to be called... Or can they get away without it being called?

      Only if we don't simply explain ourselves...

      Like the Worlds largest wheat and barley Plantation... that clearly explains, in an accurate picture... what the reality is!

      Mr. Hin. Many slaves loved their Maaasters... dearly... and did not want their freedom. THey thought individual freedom was disorderly, unneighbourly, unloving...and down right WRONG.

      Wilagro on the Weather topic gives the perfect answer.

      Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. to seeing us other lackeys freedom being wasted.


        I agree Parsley, And
        Rod Flamin should be 2nd to resign, he said in Feb 22 WP ""The key question is 'could we differentiate ourselves in the marketplace and add value for producers?' " said director Rod Flaman of Edenwold, Sask.

        "And if you don't add value for producers, is it worth diverting significant resources of the corporation to that effort?"



          If some of these Directors have voted for official motions on the books to:

          1.Reject anything except single-desking
          2.Not impliment any contingency plan

          what about skipping the backpeddling and simply formally fire them with cause and without any severence pay whatsoever?


          What do you say about Directors who have officially opposed #1 and #2 above in recorded motions? Stay on?


            They should do the honorable thing and resign.

            I remember Toews's campaign, his whole purpose for being there is the single desk, to him there is no comprimise on the single desk. Well then if the single desk is gone so is his purpose for being there.

            But we've all heard enough weasel words and 'nuance' from these guys, and lets face it that $500.00 a day habit could be pretty hard to kick.

            They may very well need to be shown the door.


              EIR intelligence magazine interviewed Ian McCreary, a farmer-elected Director of the Canadian Wheat Board, on January 17, 2007.

              McCreary said:

              "So we provide a vehicle for collective negotiation with private industry on behalf of farmers. We also provide a vehicle that negotiates on rail service, and on the terms of handling through which the grain companies provide services to farmers for wheat and barley."

              Check list McCreary.
              Assess the ABC's of what the CWB has done for yourself:

              A. Collective negotiation witrh private industry?

              1. Farmers say they are broke
              2. Companies say the CWB is their cash cow.

              B. Rail Service?

              In the same interview, McCreary reveals how terrible the CWB/railway negotiations are for farmers:

              "If we could get any rail service we’d be happy!"
              "It’s ridiculous!"
              " Rail service is abysmal."
              " It’s been tough."

              Who are you to argue with MCCreary's self-assessment?

              C Terms of Handling?
              Tom 4CWB referred to shipping uncleaned grain to port, paying for cleaning at the port , and then having some of the cleanings thrown back into the shipload.

              Grain handling makes good money, because the elected Directors stand around going "duh", "duh", "Why are grain handlers doing well?" instead of addressing the problem.

              The ABC's of Ian McCreary should come back to haunt him shouldn't they?

              Resign or not?


                The word <b>" impotent "</b> comes to mind


                  Parsley, I believe they SHOULD be fired, and if that doesnt happen they should stick by their guns and resign.
                  However, what i think SHOULD happen and what i think WOULD happen are two different things.
                  The directors who sign-off on their own demise by issuing ultimatums like "there is no wheatboard in a dual market". Basically are giving themselves no way out when the day comes that the monopoly is dead.
                  With their fear-mongering comes no way out if the fear doesnt win.



                    Look at it this way...IF Question #1 garners 75% of the vote, it means that 25% choice marketers have a minority position.

                    It also means that the single-deskers, with their present stance, have NO intention of representing farmers' minority voice, ever, at the Board table. They will only give concessions to multinationals...and big ones.

                    Which is why #3 is the only real option.



                      Strange that so msny of the anti-CWB pipples are on this forum today. The pro-CWB pipples must all be out WORKING.


                        What is that supposed to mean? I suppose you had a minute to spare from your busy WORK day to post that...hehe


                          Anybody attend Grain World in Winnipeg?

                          I understand from several different sources that two items were firmly established in the minds of the participants:

                          1. Corn is king. Not wheat.

                          2. Wheat is priced as feed. Now that pays for your cruise, Adam Smith.

                          Have the CWB elected Directors done their job?


                            Parsley - I wasn't at Grain World but I concur - corn is definitely king. But let's take it a step further. Corn economics in the US have shifted so dramatically that some are saying the long term equilibrium between corn and beans has shifted, in favour of corn. I've heard that the US will be producing so much corn that soybeans production will drop to the point of possibly requiring imports - from Brazil. This is very favourable for canola.

                            So when we translate this to the Canadian landscape, we should see even greater competition with wheat for acres.

                            Even though the CWB sees Canada as remaining as a wheat economy, it seems to me the trend to even lower wheat acres will remain intact for the next while. At least the market pressures appear to be in place.


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