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Local radio Debate on CWB barley!

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    Local radio Debate on CWB barley!

    Just listened to a local radio show do a debate on CWB barley vote and their was this speaker voicing the pro CWB side from Swan River Manitoba, Well I had to turn It off, he went on and on on how the BIG BAD Americans want our grain and How the CWB keeps them in line etc etc.
    Basically sounded like a liberal on prom nite lots of talk no action.
    Why cant these CWB supporters just ask for the CWB to show me the money. And if their such a superior group and do get us a fair or above world price for our product then I will keep dealing with them but this constant gibberish about how bad the big boys are etc just drives me up the wall.
    Then I need someone to check this out is Brian Mulroney on the ADM board of Governors in the USA.
    Any way again some CWB supporter explain to me how their doing a better job for me compared to average farm gate price in ND for Barley Malt and Feed and Durum and HRS over the last ten years.

    Sask, CBC? I didn't catch it. Gormley is on our side.


      Yes Mr. Mulroney is a Director. Open and Transparent for all the world to see:


      At least they list that information.

      So ask the question,SASKFARMER3, it is this...if it is wrong for Mulroney to be listed as a Director for ADM, is it not also wrong that the CWB's official accredited exporter, Mr. Gordon Machej (he is officially an ex-Commissioner of the CWB) could possibly be put into a conflict of interest if he were to do business with his ex? business partner in Indonesia? Has it already happened?

      Machej was listed as the Chief Financial officer in a mining company with Mr. Piet Yap listed as the President. Yap owns Bogasari Flour Mill in Indonesia and Indonesia is the CWB's second largest importer of Canadian wheat. Is there potential for not arms length business being done?

      Could it be looked upon as a conflict of interest if Mr. Machej just happened to make sales into Indonesia's Bogasari Mill that his ex(?) business-partner Piet Yap owns, just as easily as Mulroney is accused of having a relationship with ADM?

      Note that Mulroney clearly no longer has any assoiation with Government/CWB transactions, whereas Mr. Machej does. The CWB is presently very active in Indonesia.

      If the singledeskers want to accuse Mulroney of personal gain from being on ADM, then they should also ask if CWB sales to Indonesia allow Machej to gain.



        Well said parsley!


          Well done Parsley!!How current is your info on Machej?This certainly should make for excellent reading after April fool`s day!


            Thanks guys the radio program was CJGX yorkton and the guy had people representing all sides. The CWB supporter just kept spewing about how bad all us free marketers were and how he had a answer for every thing the host asked that lead back to how every thing we see south of the border is a spot price.
            Then he went on with this rant about how Mulroney was on ADM board and in Stephen Harper's pocket. It ticked me off so much that I tried to phone in but couldn't.
            Why when someone leaves politics and their a conservative every thing they do is scrutinized but when a liberal or NDP leave and sit on boards all over the place their moving on.


              Machej was listed as the chief financial officer for Iriana Resources Limited, which in turn, later became part of Polaris Geothermal Inc.

              Iriana Mining Resources was a mining company in Canada and Indonesia, and was still a company until the 2004 swallowing.

              It would be interesting to know if Gordon Machej is the accredited exporter for the CWB for the Indonesian sales of wheat.

              Perhaps someone should call the CWB and ask them who usually acts as the AE for Bogassari Mills.



                parsley; Perhaps you should hire a private detective to help with your conspiracy theories about Mr. Machej (Machey) and get to the bottom of this. Googleing "Machej (Machey)", returns scant details at best. If your suspicions are valid, then the Board of Directors of the CWB should be informed of any wrongdoings on the part of the CWB and/or Mr. Machj (Machey). Until then, you are just spreading unsubstantiated rumours and could be opening yourself up to legal action against YOURSELF.


                  Asking questions is good business, not criminal behaviour wilagrow. Nice to know who our accreditied exporters are and if they are dependable, and if farmers' shipments are secure.

                  There have been a lot of complaints from farmers about companies going bankrupt in the Western Producer, about lack of insurance, about not enough coverage, about lawsuits.

                  Every credible exporter worth doing business with, doesn't mind their credentials being examined, least of all AE's!

                  Eagle Sterling is an accredited exporter listed on the CWB webpage.
                  That's public.

                  Other webpages link Eagle Sterling with Machej. That's public. Farmers were interested in finding out that the CWB-listed-Eagle Sterling is actually Machej. He was after all, a very public Commissioner with the CWB for many years, which should bring prestige and credibility to his AE role,( not mentioned on the CWB webpage or on a link).

                  Nothing wrong with Mr. Machej being listed under Eagle Sterling even if it was unknown. Nothing wrong with Iriana Resources being a legal mining company either, with two individuals being partners. The question is, are the two mining partners also wheat business partners? Here again, you might ask, what is the wrong?

                  I don't know of anywrongdoings, just as I don't know of any wrongdoings by Mulroney, do you?

                  The single-deskers seem to think being on the Board of ADM is rotten,though.

                  The question is this....if there is a possibility of conflict of interests, should it be questioned?

                  That's why Mulroney is chased, because there is a percieved conflict of interest. Should the radio show comment and ask? Yes.

                  Arms length dealing is important in business, and only constant questioning and examination will keep us knowing whom is dealing with whom.

                  Will you agree, wilagrow, that "above-Board" dealings is the best policy?Would you have preferred to have Eagle Sterling listing Machej's name so you know who it was? Be honest.

                  It's always prudent to look at the financial dealings of companies, and what they have done in the past, and view their credit worthiness, and view who partners with who , and I would recommend that you do just that wilagrow. And I am sure the CWB, or any credible institution would encourage you to do the same.




                    At least your tactics are consistant!

                    "Until then, you are just spreading unsubstantiated rumours and could be opening yourself up to legal action against YOURSELF"

                    Hmmmm Intimidation... and for what purpose?


                    Any intelligent onwner of a business would want to know the relationships, their connections, and why they exist.

                    Parsley and I are required to be "owners of the CWB" according to "singleminded" Management and Directors of the CWB.

                    Amusing that when we "act" like responsible owners... and question the decisions made on our behalf... how the other shoe drops! It is a secret and none of my business!

                    Wilagro... I don't buy it. These must either be public dealings... or a voluntary marketing system must be put in place.

                    Take your choice!


                      parsley: I am in complete agreement with your questioning of the Machej/CWB dealings. What I am saying is "Don't presume guilt" before there is credible evidence of same.

                      Any individual or group of individuals dealing with a government agency has a right to have honest people running things. I would urge you to check out Machej (Machey), but leave out the innuendo, please.



                        1. On the 17 of January 2007, EIR intelligence magazine (look it up, they seem to hate British) had an interview with Ian McCreary, farmer-elected CWB Director.

                        EIR: Now, when I looked at the Board of Directors of ADM, I found Brian Mulroney on the Board, which I thought was quite interesting, considering also that he is the chairman of Quebecor, which owns a number of papers out west, which tend to be anti-Wheat Board, in terms of the perspective they were giving. In fact, several of these newspapers were publishing people from the National Citizens Coalition, which is Steven Harper’s old think tank –

                        McCreary: Yes.

                        EIR: And they were characterizing the CWB as the “Evil Empire” and trying to make the case that the CWB reduces farmers to second class citizens. Now, at the same time, I found another group which is called Glacier Ventures International, which controls the Western Producer and, actually, seems to control all major publications that are directed toward the agricultural community –

                        McCreary: With the exception of Farmers’ Independent Weekly.

                        EIR: Okay. Now it is interesting to note that the CEO of Agricore sits on the Board of Directors of Glacier Ventures International.

                        McCreary: Yes.

                        EIR: Then of course, with the influence which Mulroney would have within the Conservative government, and another interesting fact which I found was that the NCC spent approximately $19 million to get Mulroney elected in 1988, which is quite substantial for Canadian politics.

                        McCreary: Yes, it’s huge.

                        EIR: Now, considering this, would it be fair to say that Archer Daniels Midland would be the main beneficiary of the dismantling of the single desk?

                        McCreary: Well, I think there are actually quite a number of big beneficiaries. I think that CP Rail, which is headquartered in Calgary and has clearly been at the same headquarters as the Reform/Canadian Alliance group, has a huge potential to benefit. The Wheat Board has been very active in making sure that services are provided to small shippers of grains – of Wheat Board grains – so producers have access to real facilities which clearly wouldn’t be the case in a railway-dominated marketplace. And I suspect that if you research the involvement of the transition team you would find other Directors of major grain companies that were fairly active. So I wouldn’t be in the business of singling out one necessarily. You’ve certainly drawn connections for one of the players. I’ve certainly seen the road map where some of the other players were fairly tightly tied to this administration as well.

                        Is McCreary accusing someone of benefitting?, wilagrow.

                        My my.

                        2. I'll take under advisement, wilagrow, your concerned comments about legal action,to my family-member practicing lawyer. It's the handiest.

                        3. You didn't answer my question either: "Would you have preferred to have Eagle Sterling listing Machej's name so you know who it was?" A Manitoba fax, with a Toronto phone # and no name listed is a ....curiosity.


                        PS You mentioned you'd been trying..so I'll pass on a tip. If you really, really search, you can find out a lot of things about Machej/Iriana Resources etc. Can Anyone else post wilagrow a good tip?


                          parsley: I wonder also about Machey's office in Switzerland...is it a mail-drop or an actual working office?

                          Maybe we will have to hire that private dick after all.



                            Why do you keep referring to "Machey" when it's spelled "Machej"?
                            Are you sure you understand who is being talked about here?


                              Because it is the same man. JUst like Smith or Smythe or Schmidt.

                              Check it out. Do some googling or goggling or googeling for all I care.


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