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Is this legit?

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    Is this legit?

    Edmonton is one of the few cities in the world to adopt a 15-minute city model, with council recently approving the much-debated city plan.
    City staff presented a report in 2021 to the council’s urban planning committee on the goal of having 50 percent of trips made by transit or active modes. The report outlined possible methods of achieving this goal, which would involve decreasing the percentage of vehicle trips from 78 percent to 50 percent.
    “Double the costs associated with operating a car (e.g., road pricing such as tolls and congestion charges, fuel taxes, vehicle registration costs or mileage based charges)” was one point. “Quadruple the cost of parking” was another.
    Creating car-free corridors, reducing transit fares, and repurposing traffic lanes for dedicated transit lanes were among the others.?

    To play devils advocate, "free" Roads look a lot like "free" healthcare.
    There doesn't seem to be any upper limit to demand when there is no direct cost.
    So demand has to be rationed by limiting supply. If I have to wait in line for 24 hours next to violent drug addicts in emergency for a broken fingernail, I will decide to suck it up and suffer without medical intervention. Given the ever growing potential treatments, the medical industry could easily consume our entire GDP.

    Automotive transport is no different. The more convenient it is, the cheaper it is, and with no direct cost, the radius and frequency with which we will travel will increase. This phenomenon is well documented in economics. Take it to the preposterous extreme, and we will all want free flow 110 km/hr freeway right to our doorstep.

    There needs to be some imposed constraint such as cost to find a balance between infinite demand and finite tax dollars.
    Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Oct 11, 2024, 09:53.


      All I know is that every time I am forced to go to the city I have to drive in it. I don't see fleets of electric taxis able for quite some time yet.
      It would be great to park and ride to an appointment anywhere. Doesn't help picking anything though.


        Sounds like a Communist idea!????


          Yep . Recently voted in " 15 minute cities" which is a great idea in warm climates.

          The amount of bike lanes in edmonton that are simply not used 8 months of the year is incredible and the traffic congestion that they have created is asinine. They wouldve been further ahead to spend that money ( roughly 170 million by 2026 and 11 million PER YR to maintain) and bought every single city resident a bike.
          I understand WHAT edmonton is trying to do. I really do. But its just NOT the right climate to do it in.
          frozen ground. Freeze thaw cycle. Bike lanes. Yeaaahhhh this is gonna turn out well!

          Im willing to bet that the bike lanes downtown get roughly ... 20 bikes a day in total per day in the winter. And thats 10 idiots going there and back to work!!!

          Its funny how edmonton has prioritized these types of things instead of something like, ya know, homelessness.


            Called WOKE shyt like CC spews every day! WEF dreams. Socialist/Commie plans.


              It's a clown world we live in right now, maybe forever after. Edmontonians like to think they are Californians not wanting to admit we live closer to the arctic circle than the equator. bicycles are impractical in such a expansive city where like California everything is situated for the motorist. Even Edmonton's architecture like the art gallery, designed by a Californian, with it's massive glass area, doesn't make sense, when it should have been designed by an Esk imo in the shape of an igloo.


                All sounds great until the day you wake up and find no food in your local store. How does food get delivered down town in bulk to feed high density pop without some sort of transport system. Not that it matters more and more people don't due business down town in most cities anymore due to the sketchy surroundings. Thats why downtown cores die.


                  Originally posted by goalieguy847 View Post
                  Im willing to bet that the bike lanes downtown get roughly ... 20 bikes a day in total per day in the winter. And thats 10 idiots going there and back to work!!!
                  I resemble that statement.

                  When I was attending U of C, I rode my bike to University and back every day all winter.
                  Calgary's weather is better than Edmonton's in the winter, but road maintenance is not, as they count on Chinooks to clear the snow from residential streets.

                  It is possible.




                      Originally posted by Farmer4Life View Post
                      Edmonton is one of the few cities in the world to adopt a 15-minute city model, with council recently approving the much-debated city plan.
                      City staff presented a report in 2021 to the council’s urban planning committee on the goal of having 50 percent of trips made by transit or active modes. The report outlined possible methods of achieving this goal, which would involve decreasing the percentage of vehicle trips from 78 percent to 50 percent.
                      “Double the costs associated with operating a car (e.g., road pricing such as tolls and congestion charges, fuel taxes, vehicle registration costs or mileage based charges)” was one point. “Quadruple the cost of parking” was another.
                      Creating car-free corridors, reducing transit fares, and repurposing traffic lanes for dedicated transit lanes were among the others.?
                      Yes it is legit , all part of the vision of UN 2030 the liberal / NDP coalition went all in on .
                      Do these idiots not realize Edmonton is one of the coldest major cities in the whole world for 4 months of the year ??
                      I can see that working in Vancouver, possibly Calgary the odd winter but wtf is the matter with the brains of those passing this idiotic system in Edmonton.
                      it’s shows clearly how out of touch with reality some of these policies are, it’s where zero common sense lives
                      Last edited by furrowtickler; Oct 14, 2024, 20:48.


                        This idealistic vision is based in Western Europe where they basically don’t have winter .


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