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    Originally posted by wrongway View Post
    jusnit is just trying to change the channel from all his scandals and jagmeet is all to happy to help him by supporting his kallistani terrorist friends and irritating india. and if Polliver is sucked into this sh*tstorm all the better for these libs who will happily burn down canada on their way out


      A little surprised to hear all media outlets reading it off the PMO media release statement saying they had to have the RCMP release innuendos in order to protect the Canadian people.
      In this case Canadians are Kahlistani activists who India considers terrorist. A small group of Sikhs.
      But no one can give any details or it might influence the court case.
      So the appointed RCMP commissioner steps into geopolitical affairs without direction from the politico's initiating it?

      And we have problems with misinformation?
      Last edited by shtferbrains; Oct 15, 2024, 14:10.


        But how about getting back to Vickis legitimate concern about our trade with these countries? The facts are these countries are doing things inapropriate, trying to kill people who right or wrong are Canadian citizens and in that process anyone innocent can get in trouble also, interfering with election process the general and as it appears nominating a federal leader possibly, buying elected officials to have policy that benefits those countries or I should say criminal orgs in those countries? How do we seperate this corruption from our ability to market our grains? And it appears as though it involves all the political parties at different levels they likely all have been at the minimum been approached.
        As Vicki suggested where are our market reps?


          Our farm check-offs are just pizz in the wind. These useless turds are no different than our useless politicians. That being said - what can be done? An example : in Alberta we have an example of what defensive effort Danielle is taking up against Trudeau’s assault on Alberta’s economy. She is launching an ad campaign to highlight the danger. Our dysfunctional farm groups can’t even do that. Trudeau’s abuse of power should be blasted across every airwave and farm show but what group will stick its neck out to do anything? Can we light a fire under their asses? Vicki, you are the one and only! You are powerful and articulate.


            Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
            Our farm check-offs are just pizz in the wind. These useless turds are no different than our useless politicians. That being said - what can be done? An example : in Alberta we have an example of what defensive effort Danielle is taking up against Trudeau’s assault on Alberta’s economy. She is launching an ad campaign to highlight the danger. Our dysfunctional farm groups can’t even do that. Trudeau’s abuse of power should be blasted across every airwave and farm show but what group will stick its neck out to do anything? Can we light a fire under their asses? Vicki, you are the one and only! You are powerful and articulate.
            Thank you for the vote of confidence, but indeed mostly all this gets me is a side step to the far side of the room at ag meetings from representatives who can usually be found in a huddle all together rather than interacting with farmers.

            Time for us to ask: do we have too many ag boards, but not one voice who speaks for agriculture: water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink, type of thing.

            Has any Ag association added Bill C 293 to their agendas at local and annual meetings, have they sent a communique in this regard to their memberships asking for their active participation in public discussion and action in an effort to deter
            the Senate and NDP MPS from supporting the hideous Bill?

            Has Pulse Canada or Provincial pulse boards issued a letter of concern to the representative parties in Ottawa and the Premiers regarding international relationships and trade with China and India. Has any analysis been done on the decreasing trade: the Trajectory of trade with India and China from Canada is both lower

            Do they even know the cost and variable rates of grain transportation in western Canada today?

            Has strategic analysis been completed on the impact of the capital gains tax on capital investment in Canada? Indeed increasing awareness of all, Leaders, MPS, Provincial Representatives, RM and City Councils and Chambers of Commerce is an important tool of supporting capital investment in Canada.

            Do we ever consider our role in promoting the environmental farm production we have in Western Canada and being cheerleaders of our success?

            Where's the carbon study?

            Because livestock and commodities fail to realize they are interdependent:
            Who pushes back on the myth that agenda that livestock is bad for the climate??

            Who is prepared to lobby for farm policy that enables a robust industry for the future.

            Alberta is right on to create a silo. Sask has been working in this direction. We need to ask if they will include Agri Trade in the model.

            Question: has anyone ever called an elected farm rep?


              Problem is , absolutely no one in ag industry willing to give farmers the time of day anymore unless your 10-15,000 acres or larger
              they see most of us as a waste of time


                All sizes of farmers need decent policy. Economies of scale cannot beat unfavourable agriculture, logistics and trade policy.

                Agriculture thrives within a nation whose policy understands the value of foreign currency and trade. Case in point Russia that went from an importer of Canadian in 1990 grain to feed itself to being the largest global supplier of many commodities and resources.

                Resource industries, including agriculture do not thrive within a nation that does not recognize and value the contribution to GDP.


                  I seriously Doubt Pierre will do anything.. after all it was the Indian govt that bought party memberships so he could Become Leader


                    Originally posted by rastafarian View Post
                    I seriously Doubt Pierre will do anything.. after all it was the Indian govt that bought party memberships so he could Become Leader
                    I don't recall who he ran against?
                    Was it a close race?

                    Is this the one?
                    India sure doesn't fool around when they buy votes.


                      Patrick Brown was the best candidate but PP sabotaged his campaign


                        So you think Patrick Brown was a better choice?
                        That's your guy?
                        Your guy seems to be carrying some heavy baggage for a shot at being the PM?
                        Last edited by shtferbrains; Oct 16, 2024, 18:00.


                          Patrick Brown, Klondike papers, David Wallace,


                            I suppose there are different levels of politics, in the news and behind the scenes by the long term grunts.
                            Making deals and defending sovereignty, straddling a razor I'm sure.
                            We've never been able to carry a big stick. But wouldn't it be nice to be led by some grizzled old relic who's actually slit some throats in his life?
                            Can you think of many national leaders lately presenting a long term vision? Mao, Ho (arguably), and to a lesser degree in post war democracies, LBJ (civil rights), Reagan, Thatcher?
                            Twinkletoes truly believes his legacy of Kumbaya will be the guiding light.
                            Lincoln knew better when he spoke of better angels.
                            So what's the difference between them. National pride and identity perhaps. Along with a clear realistic vision and steel like morals and purpose founded in personal experience soaked in sweat and blood. See where we are?

                            "Commodity groups"
                            Ever notice a sea change takes a nearly scorched earth event to begin.
                            Civil wars or the CWB take your pick.
                            Eunichs all of them.
                            WCWGA doesn't even mention C-293. Castrated.
                            Vicki. Are we that far out of the loop that either a) we ourselves really don't have a clue, or b) those in the loop are so high on each other's farts they are oblivious? Why do you get shuffled off to the side at meetings.
                            Either way, trade can happen, and will with or without us, diplomatic tiffs will happen, but who's playing chess and who's playing checkers?
                            Long vision with a realistic world view and a nationalistic purpose.
                            No, they're playing silly buggers and will be proven fools.


                              Remember, 2.1% of our population considered terrorists by India. And it won't follow the "rules".


                                blackpowder Question: Vicki. Are we that far out of the loop that either a) we ourselves really don't have a clue, or b) those in the loop are so high on each other's farts they are oblivious? Why do you get shuffled off to the side at meetings.

                                Go along to get along. It is a rule of life.
                                1/ Have you ever noticed at a farm meeting, all the representatives and staff will sit at one table versus, intermingling and talking to their constituents. I like to mingle and so I do not seek to join those tables or groups.

                                2/ Light hearted conversation is more sociable, so avoiding me is a good plan.

                                blackpowder made the comment early on on who about the under 50 and the over 50 and the question who actually cares what is going on, its true most of us have been lulled by prosperity and the stresses of farm and family transition.?

                                Regarding our level of awareness: for the individual there are a multitude of reasons, farms are bigger the younger generation has been caught up in operations, information and involvement take time often the elders are looking for a less stressful environment to focus their time, and indeed we have been reasonably prosperous so that is its own sedative.

                                Provincial farm organizations have focused on production and not policy awareness at regional and annual meetings. National boards have been granted the voice of policy. To the best of my knowledge a National Policy report is not part of annual Provincial meetings. At regional and provincial meeting strategic involvement would be a valuable asset of communication to growers.

                                'Question: Do we have a failure of accountability to their farm membership by national boards?

                                ie: Despite millions of dollars of farmer funding national boards like Pulse Canada have not presented on national and international issues, at a Provincial pulse meeting in years. They used to!

                                The big question is: Are leaders leading? Who is strategic thinking? How are important industry issues communicated to keep the grassroots engaged and informed. Have we as growers made this a priority?
                                All the above is why we are here today with no voice.

                                Have farmers allowed ourselves to become floating cork on that "water water everywhere and not a drop to drink" ocean of policy?

                                Is this where we want to be?
                                Last edited by westernvicki; Oct 17, 2024, 09:52.


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