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CWB Propaganda

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    CWB Propaganda

    1. The CWB is not a monopoly, but is a monopsony. Monopsonies are single buyers and because they are the only buyer available to farmers, the CWB 'takes' CWB grain at the lowest possible price and farmers have no recourse. (Only in the CWB designated area of Canada, I might add.)
    Also the truth about the identifying numbers on the CWB ballots. They have been there in previous elections- would someone remind Mr. Goodale that
    they were there during his direction. There had to have been more deceptive identifying encoding also, because I took the identifying number off my ballot in 1995 and a CWB employee phoned me directly to inform me that they were disqualifying my vote because the land was jointly owned by myself and my husband. I asked him how he knew what vote to disqualify. He said he had my ballot before his eyes at that very moment. I was horrified. Why does KPMG not come clean on this misconception, and where are the Western Wheat Growers?
    Some one should set the record straight, maybe a good start would be Goodale.


    On Ballots and Numbering,

    In the election in the fall of 2006, the coordinator MNP was opening a looking at the barcodes as you state, but in CWB elections in 2004 the Federal COurt ruled the CWB election coordinator couldn't sort through the ballots as you indicated they were... and stopped the practice after being challenged in 2006. What happened to you has been stopped.

    Here is what KPMG has to say about this particular Barley Plebiscite process itself:

    "28) Is the vote anonymous?
    Answer - Yes. In accordance with the applicable privacy laws, all records will be confidential and used only for purposes of the vote. Your declaration and ballots have unique identifier numbers for the tabulation of the results. Each mailing package has separate envelopes for the ballot and declaration.

    The ‘secrecy’ ballot envelopes will not be opened until after the March 13th postmark deadline and the corresponding self-declaration has been processed.

    KPMG LLP staff responsible for the opening of the secrecy ballot envelopes, count and tabulation of the voter preference will not have access to the declaration or registered voter names. Confidentiality was a primary concern when KPMG designed the declaration and tabulation process. The declarations and ballots will be destroyed at the end of the tabulation.

    The ballots and declarations will be destroyed by KPMG LLP at the completion of the tabulation."


      31) How will KPMG process incoming ballots?
      Answer - The sealed return envelopes will be sent to a secure location. The return envelopes will be opened and the declaration will be immediately separated from the secrecy envelope containing the ballot. The declarations will be processed by KPMG LLP staff in a process separate from the ballot count and tabulation.

      KPMG personnel tabulating the votes will not have access to the declarations or farming entity information.

      40) If you have any further questions or comments concerning the vote process, you can:
      e-mail: 2007barleyvote@kpmg.ca
      write to: KPMG LLP
      Box 2580
      Station Main
      Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3


        I read this topic somewhere else before...


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