Retired businessman’s wife who was in a care home since March just passed away in September. The family went on the hunt for her will and after much searching finds out that the will was rewritten and is being held by two total strangers who befriended her while she was ailing. At present they refuse to let family see the will. They just say, “ the money is ours.” These two strangers are the only beneficiaries to the will, apparently. No one in the family was named in the will (according to the executor who is one of them) even though this couple has two daughters and eight grand children and the estate is substantial. The two strange beneficiaries refuse to turn over the will to the family for scrutiny. Has anyone had experience with a situation like this?
Retired businessman’s wife who was in a care home since March just passed away in September. The family went on the hunt for her will and after much searching finds out that the will was rewritten and is being held by two total strangers who befriended her while she was ailing. At present they refuse to let family see the will. They just say, “ the money is ours.” These two strangers are the only beneficiaries to the will, apparently. No one in the family was named in the will (according to the executor who is one of them) even though this couple has two daughters and eight grand children and the estate is substantial. The two strange beneficiaries refuse to turn over the will to the family for scrutiny. Has anyone had experience with a situation like this?