If you do one thing today, watch this video from start to finish.
And you will understand better why it is essential for you to join the grassroots action to
STOP C 293 now in second reading of the Senate.
This is an excellent overview and will help you see what this bill is a game changer for Canadians and our industry.
Alberta spoke out.
All provinces must.
All agriculture associations must request to speak to the Senate Committee to protest this bill.
As citizens we should do the same.
Please take time to watch this video. Please share this video.
Please take action.
Thank you.
If you do one thing today, watch this video from start to finish.
And you will understand better why it is essential for you to join the grassroots action to
STOP C 293 now in second reading of the Senate.
This is an excellent overview and will help you see what this bill is a game changer for Canadians and our industry.
Alberta spoke out.
All provinces must.
All agriculture associations must request to speak to the Senate Committee to protest this bill.
As citizens we should do the same.
Please take time to watch this video. Please share this video.
Please take action.
Thank you.