Mallee and CP;
In my Callum Downs newsletter Malcolm had this Interesting tidbit to chew on this week!
"Climate Change Guess what. Increasing CO2 levels (the
main driver of climate change) have increased your yield
potential. CSIRO scientist Dr John Angus has been
recalibrating his equipment annually since around 1970.
Over that time CO2 levels have moved from 316 ppm to
380 ppm. That allows our wheat yields to lift from 20
kg/mm of available growing season moisture, to 22
kg/ha/mm of available moisture.
So, where our April – Oct rainfall at Callum Downs
averages 363 mm, our potential yield at that average used to
be 5.053 t/ha. At 22 kg/mm of rainfall, that yield would be
5.558 t/ha. Basically my yield potential is about 0.5 t/ha
higher than I thought.
It is reasonably important, because to get that extra 0.5 t/ha I
have to supply additional fertiliser if I am pushing the
system to the point where water and nitrogen are the
limiting factors."
I agree with him... more than just zero till, fert placement... C02 is making our yeilds better in low rainfall years!
Something to think about!
In my Callum Downs newsletter Malcolm had this Interesting tidbit to chew on this week!
"Climate Change Guess what. Increasing CO2 levels (the
main driver of climate change) have increased your yield
potential. CSIRO scientist Dr John Angus has been
recalibrating his equipment annually since around 1970.
Over that time CO2 levels have moved from 316 ppm to
380 ppm. That allows our wheat yields to lift from 20
kg/mm of available growing season moisture, to 22
kg/ha/mm of available moisture.
So, where our April – Oct rainfall at Callum Downs
averages 363 mm, our potential yield at that average used to
be 5.053 t/ha. At 22 kg/mm of rainfall, that yield would be
5.558 t/ha. Basically my yield potential is about 0.5 t/ha
higher than I thought.
It is reasonably important, because to get that extra 0.5 t/ha I
have to supply additional fertiliser if I am pushing the
system to the point where water and nitrogen are the
limiting factors."
I agree with him... more than just zero till, fert placement... C02 is making our yeilds better in low rainfall years!
Something to think about!