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U.S. Wheat Associates

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    preferential prices
    preferential prices
    preferential prices

    tens of dollars per tonne
    tens of dollars per tonne
    tens of dollars per tonne

    Agstar - come clean on this - what do these phrases mean to you? What do they mean to a buyer?


      Any B of D who is willing to go to such lengths as this one to disobey the Minister, is hardly capable of sending ALL the information.



        Hogwash farmers_son. The beef industry has nothing to do with the Oil industry. And Rcalf has nothing to do with the border. All multinational packer manipulation. If ABP?CCA would see this and stop poking at Rcalf and depending on the open border to save their souls, we would all be better off. Rcalf and the ABP?CCA should both be looking at trying to get beef off this conintinent rather than squabbling over something they have no control over. No fear of cool here Oldtimer. Like I said before - you take Japan we'll take the E.U. That is the only solution to the current captive North American market.

        That should be God's green earth farmer_son. Sorry for being technical and I am not a religious advertiser, just simply respectful of that old fart up there.


          I do agree that R-Calf has nothing to do with the border. I agree the large packers are not above manipulation to increase their profits. But I would not overlook politics as being a factor in the opening/non opening of the border to live cattle and beef. If the United States considers the border being closed to our cows and cow beef along with continued barriers to trade with UTM animals to be in their best interest then the border will remain closed. However it is my opinion that the U.S. has become acutely aware of our oil reserves since the price of crude oil has increased three fold in the last four years. I think that puts Canada in the driver’s seat. I think you will see Rule 2 proceed in a very different fashion than the last Rule and it has everything to do with energy. The politics of oil.

          As long as shipments to Europe and Japan need to be processed through one of our two Canadian packers I do not see shipments to those continents helping the current captive market situation. There are markets within North American for all the beef we can produce, in fact North America is a net importer of beef. We need alternative markets for our live cattle in order to break the captive market that does exist. I do not see us shipping live cattle to either the E.U. or Japan.

          MCOOL is market interference. It is there, in part, to restrict the Canadian producers access to what is a North American market for beef and live cattle. It is not a marketing problem, it is an illegal trade action against Canada.

          My wife corrected me on my typo re small “g”, you are right on that one. You spelled conintinent wrong.


            "I think that puts Canada in the driver’s seat."

            It should put Canada in the drivers seat, however we haven't had a hard line bargainer since Diefenbaker was in power.

            When the border was still closed to UTMs, I was speaking to my MP one day and I asked him why we aren't playing more hardball with the US when it comes to NAFTA violations (wheat, softwood, beef). His response disappointed me: "The US buys alot of other products from Canada, and we have to be careful that we don't lose those sales."

            I was very disappointed in his response, as I thought he had bigger cajones and more brains than that. I'm not sure where he feels that the US can get water, power and oil from as cheaply as they get it from Canada, but its obvious to me that he was considering the trade in high technology as the "other goods we sell". In other words, Ontario and Quebec are concerned about it, since they export more high technology than natural resources.

            As long as the power is in the east, Western Canada, including oil rich Alberta, will always take a back seat to the wishes and desires of the East.



              we seldom grow durham, and im sure i will be corrected for any errors .

              but for many years durham had a dollar preium to spring wht. and in this time the stocks to use ratio was always worse for durham than spring .

              in an open market , the ratio should have driven the price as low as feed barley.
              every year the board said dont grow so much durham, farmers didnt listen,

              because the board kept delivering price wise, the farmers kept growing it. until carryover grew to( what 70%)

              correct me here , but did not pumping product thru places like algeria. while maintaining price disipline in N.A. and other markets net the cdn farmer more money, than open market ever would have.

              now admittedly price signals ,were opposite supply signals. but if open market price signals were in place those , acres would have been planted to something else, depresssing other prices.

              explain to me how over the last 10 years how the open market would have netted more in farmers pockets than what happened.


                Parsley . That is just the problem the Minister refuses to meet with the B.O.D. or even have an arbitraitor settle disputes, but instead passes orders in council and gives directives from his throne. This should be a consultative process and if the minister can prove his point so be it. It's incredible that the so called Minister responsible for the CWB has not met with the B.O.D. Is he scared of them? Does he not have a good case for what he is doing? Is he scared of the politcal fallout of such a meeting? He has his spies on the B.O,D. that can inform him if he is getting all the sales data. He has his own pick for a CEO. How could he claim he is not getting all the information? Or is he just choosing to ignore it to serve his purpose in the Vote? All the while he is claiming he wants a strong effective CWB , what a load of bull!


                  Wow sawfly, you must be a product of our wonderful publicly funded Canadian School system. Thanks for lowering the bar.

                  First off, sentences start with capital letters like 'W' not 'w'.

                  It's spelt 'durum' not 'durham'.

                  Next its spelt 'I'm' not 'im', capital I apostrophe m. 'I' when you are talking about yourself is also capitalized.

                  Its 'premium' not 'preium' and 'didnt' is supposed to have an apostrophe between the n and the t.

                  Algeria being a country gets a capital A. And 'disipline' is actually spelled 'discipline' you forgot the 'c'.

                  Finally 'depresssing' is spelled 'depressing' lose one of the 'S's'.


                    Google fight!

                    [URL="http://googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=agstar77&word2=chaffmei ster"]agstar77 vs chaffmeister [/URL]


                      Lighten up Fransisco,
                      Unless you’re an elementary school language teacher, spelling isn’t the most important thing here.

                      I’d like to know how it benefits Canadian durum growers by selling our durum below market price? The open market in that particular case would have returned tens of dollars per tonne more to us, no?


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