farmers_son and Haneys arguments and way of thinking play right into the Packers hands-- keep that generic beef out there so they can pipe it in from anywhere they can get their hands on it cheap...
farmers_son-- Did you notice that USDA also has a proposed rule to forget about FMD and allow imports from Argentina?
What will generic beef be worth when Cargil/Tyson/Swift/etal start piping it in from Argentina and Brazil at $20-$30cwt from their new feedlots and slaughter houses down there?... And as long as they control all the slaughter in N.A., they aren't going to voluntarily label or allow anyone else that slaughters to label- without government intervention forcing them to...
Kaiser- you need to get this farmer one of Bens books, so he can see the picture of a few years down the line when the Big 4 own ALL the cattle and beef industry.....
farmers_son-- Did you notice that USDA also has a proposed rule to forget about FMD and allow imports from Argentina?
What will generic beef be worth when Cargil/Tyson/Swift/etal start piping it in from Argentina and Brazil at $20-$30cwt from their new feedlots and slaughter houses down there?... And as long as they control all the slaughter in N.A., they aren't going to voluntarily label or allow anyone else that slaughters to label- without government intervention forcing them to...
Kaiser- you need to get this farmer one of Bens books, so he can see the picture of a few years down the line when the Big 4 own ALL the cattle and beef industry.....