we seldom grow durham, and im sure i will be corrected for any errors .
but for many years durham had a dollar preium to spring wht. and in this time the stocks to use ratio was always worse for durham than spring .
in an open market , the ratio should have driven the price as low as feed barley.
every year the board said dont grow so much durham, farmers didnt listen,
because the board kept delivering price wise, the farmers kept growing it. until carryover grew to( what 70%)
correct me here , but did not pumping product thru places like algeria. while maintaining price disipline in N.A. and other markets net the cdn farmer more money, than open market ever would have.
now admittedly price signals ,were opposite supply signals. but if open market price signals were in place those , acres would have been planted to something else, depresssing other prices.
explain to me how over the last 10 years how the open market would have netted more in farmers pockets than what happened.
but for many years durham had a dollar preium to spring wht. and in this time the stocks to use ratio was always worse for durham than spring .
in an open market , the ratio should have driven the price as low as feed barley.
every year the board said dont grow so much durham, farmers didnt listen,
because the board kept delivering price wise, the farmers kept growing it. until carryover grew to( what 70%)
correct me here , but did not pumping product thru places like algeria. while maintaining price disipline in N.A. and other markets net the cdn farmer more money, than open market ever would have.
now admittedly price signals ,were opposite supply signals. but if open market price signals were in place those , acres would have been planted to something else, depresssing other prices.
explain to me how over the last 10 years how the open market would have netted more in farmers pockets than what happened.