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What Access to Information CWB questions are priority?

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    What Access to Information CWB questions are priority?

    gregpet is new on Agri-ville on another thread, but he reminded us of the upcoming A to I opportunity that is looming

    What is the important information you want to see come to light?

    Priority questions?


    It is my understanding that we still cannot ask questions about past sales, is that correct?


      Political party contributions.

      Travel expenses broken down to the person. Who travelled with them.

      Legal expenses and who they are paid to.

      Advertising contract costs and who they were awarded to and was there a tender process followed correctly.

      Director per diems and expense accounts correctly claimed.

      Director involvement in accredited exporters.

      Director involvement in setup of organic marketing department.



        We can ask the trade about past sales, they'll share: it's only producers the CWB will not share information with.



          Sales timing.
          If you know when they sold you would know if they were manipulating the market or not.Or making the right decisions or not.

          Any technical trader could tell you the answers to these questions if he had access to the timing info.


            CWB sales timing: It's pretty simple, really. The CWB sells when the buyers are buying. That's why they often get taken advantage of. And why they get caught pre-sold in a rally.


              do you suppose the CWB might call that confidential information?



                Just a note about timing. It doesn't happen on a regular basis but the question of the timing of CWB sales comes into question too often for my liking. How many times has the CWB presold and lost the premiums to be gained by a large appreciation of the wheat value? How many times has it gone the other way? Have they waited to sell and then sell into a market that is depreciating? I can think of a couple but cannot remember when. I personally would like to be the one that does the speculating on our operation and not leave it to the "experts" employed at the CWB.


                  Well said, gregpet.

                  marketing DOES NOT = speculating

                  There are ways even the CWB can market grain yet leave the actual pricing up to each individual farmer. Or, if the farmer wants it, it could provide <b>true</b> average prices.

                  If only they would open their eyes to the possibilities.....


                    Back to the original question.

                    I'd be curious to know about Paul Martins steamship line. How much board grain have they shipped and for how much?

                    David Hurley and Avis Gray are two people I'd like to know more about when it comes to board involvement.


                      U guys still paying that rent-a-car wreck - Avis?


                        Sorry chaff wrong again.
                        Timing is everything.
                        I'll ASSume non of you know about technical trading.But just because you dont doesnt mean hundreds of billions of dollars are traded on it EVERYDAY in the markets.FACT.


                          Ceepee – I have no idea what I said where you figure I’m “wrong again”. Yes, timing is everything (well, almost everything, but I’ll leave that up to your imagination) – but I wasn’t talking about timing specifically – certainly wasn’t saying that it doesn’t matter. Technical trading has little to do with what was being discussed. (When you look at things narrowly, you don’t see the whole picture.)

                          I’ll try again:
                          Marketing DOES NOT = speculating.

                          Nope. Still doesn’t feel like I’ve said anything bad about timing. Let’s try the corollary of it:
                          Speculating DOES NOT = marketing.

                          Still not a comment that timing doesn’t matter.

                          Great assumption about our collective knowledge about technical trading. Just a thought – try to avoid these kind of assumptions when trading.

                          By the way, I’ve TAUGHT technical trading to many people, most of whom I'm sure have forgotten more than you’ll ever know about it. If you ever want a refresher, just let me know. Of course, I’m ASSuming your ego and that chip on your shoulder won’t get in the way of reason.


                            Two more items

                            The results of past producer survey's, I think the CWB has been doing them for ten years now.

                            And hows about oats sales records? There is nothing comercially sensitive about them anymore.


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