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Doug Ford and Angus acting like real canadians should, Moe and Smith ass kissing Maga

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    Doug Ford and Angus acting like real canadians should, Moe and Smith ass kissing Maga

    Not a Ford or Angus fan, but at least they have the brains and balls to stand up for us Canadians, while Moe and Smith playing petty politics ass kissing Trump will cost us all. Dont worry Moe and Smith your bosses at diagalon and maga and the oil companies will reward you well after retirement with fake consulting jobs, cattle ranches, car collections etc all your families will be covered, but in the mean time have the courage to do whats right, there is no negotiating with a half wit rapist Putin puppet. They need us as bad as we need them many of our resources they simply don t have. Let the USA seclude themselves every empire in history failed thay way, but thats putins plan. Destroy us all gurantee trump he will be able to steal from us all the way he did and the dumb Don is all in.

    ontariowe dumbass in chief, dug the thug was already backpedaling on the tough tariff talk. Canuckistan's only asset is the fact that we share borders with the USA. For the most part, canuckistan is not relevant to the US. ontariowe gets transfer payments from the west.
    Last edited by ajl; Dec 14, 2024, 11:13.


      Not relevant ? Simple google proves you're blowing smoke out of your ass.

      "The trade relationship of the United States with Canada is the largest in the world. In 2023, the goods and services trade between the two countries totalled $923 billion. U.S. exports were $441 billion, while imports were $482 billion, for a United States $41 billion trade deficit with Canada."

      "Over the past 5 years the exports of United States to Canada have increased at an annualized rate of 4.27%, from $250B in 2017 to $308B in 2022."


        Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
        Not relevant ? Simple google proves you're blowing smoke out of your ass.

        "The trade relationship of the United States with Canada is the largest in the world. In 2023, the goods and services trade between the two countries totalled $923 billion. U.S. exports were $441 billion, while imports were $482 billion, for a United States $41 billion trade deficit with Canada."

        "Over the past 5 years the exports of United States to Canada have increased at an annualized rate of 4.27%, from $250B in 2017 to $308B in 2022."
        I agree with you. Canada is an important supplier to USA just as USA is an important customer to Canada.

        The trouble here Forage, is that you are thinking rationally. Rational thought would support Ford and Angus talking and acting tough to USA to encourage to keep things working well between the two countries and stop the zero sum talk.

        The problem as I see it is that we are dealing with an irrational counterparty that has just been super validated by a recent election, and the best behaviour we can expect, will be similar to a bull in the China cabinet.

        Then we have everyone here in Canada playing politics for their own personal advantage.

        We need to all join together and put up a force to support Canada First for Canada's sake.

        That means working together to find out what solves the problems without throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

        Its every negotiators dream to divide the counterparty in factions and exploit. We need to stick together and put pressure where we can and concede where we need to for the sake of the Country.

        Mulroney and Regan got along well and Canada benefited from that relationship. We don't have that today, so we have to take the group approach.

        This is a very serious threat to Canada, we do not have good leadership here today and we have a wild man that holds all the cards across the 48th.

        I think we could be in for some pain. I hope I am wrong.


          Well written, good on you.

          I don't think "We can work it out" with the bull in the China cabinet when we have premiers as you say it "playing politics for their own personal advantage" rather than a as Team Canada approach.

          You just have to go read posts on Rural Issues to see how effective the Trump wedge is working. .


            Smith is invited to Trump's inauguration.
            If she has a chance to talk to him personally I will have higher expectations of something good coming out than anything than Trudeau can make happen.
            Trudeau and crew have no credibility there and never will.
            Anything they have talked about so far is years away.
            Best thing he could do for Canada is call an election and he knows it.


              I dont understand how anyone could really fault smith and moe here. ( for the record danielle smith is absolute junk. She sucks. Full stop)
              BUT as an albertan... which is a heavyyyyy export province without the manufacturing/ business base that ontario has... i dont see the point in " standing up to trump". We need them to take our oil. We need them to take our canola ( usa is canadas largest canola importer-!l
              we need them to take our wheat.

              Everything that hes been blustering about has been federal policies that provincial cant really control ( immigration...border..drugs)
              and we all know that trump is going after mexico but due to the mexico/can/us trade pact he has to include canada.
              i mean cmon..
              how much fentanyl has been seized at our border? A tonne?
              vs what at the us... 10 super b loads? ( those are not the numbers but we arent EVEN a drop in the bucket when it comes to asylum seekers crossing into the us or drugs)

              What does smith ..moe..or any premier in power in alberta in this situation GAIN from " standing up to trump"?

              I just dont see it.

              hes targetting mexico.

              plus. Where is the outrage from you guys when biden kept all the tariffs in place on canada auto parts... and lumber?

              * watches the tumble weed rolll on by*

              * crickets*


                There's a reason every province is stepping up they have no options. Our leader is an idiot known that way all over the world . He plans on going down with the sinking ship with the help of his first mate the loser of the sinking of the NDP. Lots of saber rattling on both sides of the border level heads will sort it all out after January I hope ! Tariffs and border access nothing new to anybody who sold lumber or cattle the last 50 years.


                  I think butting heads with Trump before the fact is a mistake. Let’s take a breath and take action if need be.


                    Originally posted by kANOLA View Post
                    I think butting heads with Trump before the fact is a mistake. Let’s take a breath and take action if need be.
                    Absolutely 100 % correct


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