Take a look at the stock performance of nutrien and mosaic. NTR was $125 a couple years ago and is $65 today with a devalued dollar and lower interest rates. Similar at Mosaic. Of course investors had bid up the stock price with the we can't lose as they can rip off their western canadian customers at will mentality. My plan for 2025 involves reducing inputs (lower seed rates and fertilizer, along with reducing coverage, weed control spending will be steady) I will top dress the better land areas to even it out as my land is solonetzic. In '24 there was 55 bu wheat in the better areas with around 10 on the solonetz so trying to even that out. With less inputs can reduce coverage. Only canola will be carry forward. Fertilizer prebuy was slightly lower on urea but a bit higher on phos per pound. Lower volumes.
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Manufacturers/wholesalers versus retailers.....
I think retailers make more money on high wholesale prices too...
15% of $1000 is more than 15% of $800.
I highly doubt retailers drop their margins the higher wholesale prices go.
In the infamous Alf Bryan's words, "I may be wrong but..."
My fat angus 4-H steer in 1974 weighed about 900 lbs finnishedDon't think you would want any of those finished steers stepping on your toes . Lots of fat to mix with cull cows for hamburger nowadays.
Originally posted by furrowtickler View PostGreen Lightning…. Maybe we need to start producing our own fert on farm .
we need to become much lower cost producers, most of our dryland crop production in western canada cannot support high input costs . Production levels in no way can support high input farming on 80% of the prairies anymore .
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"The drought of 21/ 22 drove hay and grain prices higher.
Poor conception, coupled with relentlessly high costs, resulted in declining numbers. The herd is at its lowest level since 1989. Even today, at record prices, aging demographics find herd disposal a better option than expansion."
Most farmers had a small herd when we started farming in the 1970s. We were told to specialize, and we did; we all sold the cows. The expertise is gone. As the herd numbers fall, a lot of pasture land goes ungrazed. What will it take to get grain farmers to cross the house?
Originally posted by Old Cowzilla View PostMy fat angus 4-H steer in 1974 weighed about 900 lbs finnishedDon't think you would want any of those finished steers stepping on your toes . Lots of fat to mix with cull cows for hamburger nowadays.
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