Here's what Harper and the Conservatives should do.
Stephen Harper should challenge Dion and the Liberals that if they (the Liberals) can even take just ONE rural grain growing Western Canadian riding from the Conservatives in the next election, and if it is still a minority Conservative government. The Conservatives will back off the cwb. (after barley is yanked of course)
But if the Liberals showing is so pathetic that they can't even take ONE rural grain growing seat from the Conservatives, then Dion, and Goodale and Easter will shut their corrupt crooked commie pie holes and vote in favour of closing the cwb down permanently and swear on Pierre Trudeau's grave to never utter the words Canadian and Wheat and Board in the same sentence ever again.
Stephen Harper should challenge Dion and the Liberals that if they (the Liberals) can even take just ONE rural grain growing Western Canadian riding from the Conservatives in the next election, and if it is still a minority Conservative government. The Conservatives will back off the cwb. (after barley is yanked of course)
But if the Liberals showing is so pathetic that they can't even take ONE rural grain growing seat from the Conservatives, then Dion, and Goodale and Easter will shut their corrupt crooked commie pie holes and vote in favour of closing the cwb down permanently and swear on Pierre Trudeau's grave to never utter the words Canadian and Wheat and Board in the same sentence ever again.