I always thought AgStab had checks and balances in place to track income, expenses, deferreds, pre-bought expenses, inventory, etc.
That's all well and good for honest people. But what about multiple accounts being filed under what looks like one farming operation from the outside but may have several tax filing entities under it?
Income taxes, crop insurance and Agstability could all be manipulated under that scenario. Not as easy to do under a single entity operation. I can say I don't know anyone who has collected from AgStab.
In some cases where there's a will there's a way to dupe the system.
SF3, if you can't beat them, join them. Play the shell game with all the items in the first paragraph of my post. Maybe your sons will be "going broke" on paper the first few years!
That's all well and good for honest people. But what about multiple accounts being filed under what looks like one farming operation from the outside but may have several tax filing entities under it?
Income taxes, crop insurance and Agstability could all be manipulated under that scenario. Not as easy to do under a single entity operation. I can say I don't know anyone who has collected from AgStab.
In some cases where there's a will there's a way to dupe the system.
SF3, if you can't beat them, join them. Play the shell game with all the items in the first paragraph of my post. Maybe your sons will be "going broke" on paper the first few years!