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My Predictions

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    My Predictions

    By the middle of April, six-seven per cent of the barley plebiscite voters will have voted for option 2,and/or 3. In the middle of July the CWB will announce that they will totally get out of the barley business. In late fall, there will be two elections. PM Harper will have a majority of ten seats and at the same time Premier Calvert will lose and have less than ten seats! A month later Minister Strahl will end the monopoly for CWB and wheat will no longer be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the CWB. They will retain ten per cent of the market share and still have operating costs of $70 million. Chairman Ritter will resign his position and become a consultant to the CWB with the speciality in the Algerian French language. As for me, my family got me involved in an intervention and I have to go to Mexico for a bit to help me rid myself of my horrific addiction to Agri-Ville.
    It's been a lot of fun guys!!

    Not before we have that beer, you don't.


      Calvert will loose that's a given cities are finally waking up. Big NDP just went back in scope from out a scope with NDP government that's a sign the NDP diehards no what coming and the only way to protect their jobs is get back in Scope
      CWB will go as soon as fed election is had.
      Conservatives will win a majority in 2007


        Organic will be out of the CWB


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