So if harper admits theres man made global warming and is adopting green policies like the hydrogen highway,where does that leave all you eco-haters?
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How is an "ecohater"? We love our environment, breathing clean air, conserving energy, and making our economy more efficient and prosperous!
PM Harper is as concerned about the world his children will live in as any other father... to do less would be irresponsible!
The Russians have enough money now... without taking more of ours through Kyoto.
We need these resourses to be able to clean up our own environment right here in Canada!
it leaves us so called "eco haters", which is a label I do not agree with as it does not reflect the position of anyone who has challenged the thoughts of you, or the Gorzuki' debate with the enviroterrorists who use fear and misinformation to craft their own economic and political agenda...
Harper is making announcements and policy dealing with the true environmental issues...air quality and pollution....and good on him...the public perception is that the environment is important, and it is...The whole Kyoto debate and climate change casued by C02 emmissions should not be the focus .....and thanks for bringin up Russia....the world's new energy Putin needs the money from the Aussies, Americans and us Canadians for his own twisted agenda
I hope the BBC documetnary has a run on North american mainstream could bring come balance to media on the issue
One should not blindly follow anyone. The media has taken up the radical position as gospel. To make sure that we clean up the environment is only the right thing to do. To buy carbon credits so that one can keep polluting (Suzuki & Gore) is reprehensible.
We all live in this fish bowl and we all need to make sure that we are maintaining or improving the environment. The carbon boondoggle is not the right reason for when it is proved wrong you will have a lot of people who will go off the bandwagon and not care about the environment as any real reason for caring will be taken as another hoax.
By the way are you farming with horses, or what are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint?
"Eco-Haters"? Where do you get off? Challenging science makes you an "Eco-Hater". Great conclusion CP, you impress us more everyday.
You were better off with your delusional market projections.
My market projections are far from delusional.
I'm trying to understand how you people can have this both ways in your logic.
Humans do not impact the environment.
We should all take part in doing something about the environment.
Just because someone doesn’t mindlessly latch onto the unscientific “human produced CO2 is the major (or only) cause of global warming” bandwagon, doesn’t mean they don’t care about the environment. From what I’ve seen, most of the people commenting here on agriville aren’t blindly following gorzuki herd, excepting yourself of course.
It’s like the no win answer to the question “have you stopped beating your wife?”. Have you stopped destroying the environment?
Humans impact the environment, no doubt. To what degree we are doing so, what pollutants are most destructive, and what to do about it, now that’s the million dollar question. Or should I say, the multi-billion dollar question. Although I’m pretty darn sure that buying carbon credits from Al Gore’s company isn’t the answer.
As for “Eco-haters”?? You’ve got to be kidding. Sometimes, I get the feeling we’re all just feeding trolls here.
I just wish you would decide what it is you want us all to listen to you about.
Is it global warming today? Is it climate change? Is it population dynamics? Or is it now to be the environment?
Harper came out with policies aimed at pollution and on the ground environmental impacts and the msm roasted him for not agreeing to send our money abroad.
What is your solution please.
By the way, they now say that jupiter is warming up big time also. What say you?
Don't allow your passion to feed nonsense.
In my Jan 28, 2007 10:57 post, the discussion was about the effectiveness of Kyoto if you will recall:
"I am not suggesting that North American leaders act as "les rois faineants" (do nothing kings), but have you looked at Kyoto's record:
1. Kyoto was negotiated in 1997.
2. At that time the Chretien Government committed to reducing Canada's emmissions.
3. The stated goal was to reduce emmissions 6% BELOW the 1990 levels, and this was to be done by 2012.
4. By 2005, under the same Government, Canada's emmissions had actually increased by 24%."
"So asking, how effective was Kyoto,and is the process doable, becomes a legitimate question.
Couple that with Kyoto's operationl scheme to transfer carbon-credit wealth to third world countries, when it could be said that keeping that wealth in-country would not only benefit Canadians, but the less-emissions goals as well, so I think there is room for questioning."
You have yet to contribute anything towards a solution; rather you have further enhanced your absense of any solution.
Attacking and being critical is counterproductive to any notion of problem-solving.
Surely you can contribute one solution.
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