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CWB Benchmarking to study Wheat Marketing Perfotrmance

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    CWB Benchmarking to study Wheat Marketing Perfotrmance

    CWB Wheat Marketing Performance to be Studied

    Richard Grey, of the University of Sask, Dept of Economics has been asked by the CWB to develop and recommend methods of measuring the CWB’s performance in wheat marketing.

    Mr. Grey is accepting recommendations at www.usask.ca/agriculture/agec/working.html

    Information sent to Mr. Grey before April 27th, 2001 will be considered in drafting the final recommendations to the CWB.

    Just think if the sports world adopted this concept.

    Instead of having the Calgary Flames play the Edmonton Oilers to see who the better hockey team is, they could hire a bunch of high priced mathematicians,scientists and psycologists to examine each player to determine their physical condition and temperment, insert this data into a game model program and run the numbers. Wah-la, an unquestionable accurate way to determine a winner.

    Nah! No one would take it seriously anyway.

    But what if you had a league with only one team?

    Never mind it's a stupid idea.

    Right, Canadian Wheat Board!



      Yesterday, CWB Chairman Ritter announced on the radio he wants to settle this issue "once and for all". Can he do it by appointing Richard Gray? Does Gray have credibility with producers? Apparently not, if producers measure Gray's performance.

      In the book Jailhouse Justice, an organic grower describes the process that Richard Gray used to complete the 1995 Canadian Wheat Board Value-Added Enhancement Study, A study funded by the Canadian Wheat Board.

      Gray worked on the organic section of the book. 67 Saskatchewan organic growers had sent a full report to Gray showing strong united oppositin to CWB marketing of organic grain. Those views were entirely EXCLUDED in his report in the Value Added Study.

      On the other hand, Gray included views that stated, "COAB is in favor of the CWB's role as single -desk seller, and suggests that this role could be expanded to include more CWB marketing of organic products".

      That caused quite a divisive rift between producers and COAB (an organic body).

      The COAB chairman from Manitoba sent an open letter to all organic producers, stating:
      " There seems to be some feeling in the west that the Canadian Organic Advisory Board has had some dialogue with the Canadian Wheat Board (prompted I am sure by an erroneous quote in the CWB Value-Added Enhancement Study). May I assure you that this has never been discussed at any level by COAB."

      Pretty clear. So then, why would, how could, Gray report this? Why did Gray entirely ignore the 67 Producer's report?

      Is Gray credible in the 'producer community'?



        I guess we have to thank our lucky stars for having such brilliant people in charge of the Canadian grain system.

        Imagine how things might have been different had the Romans posessed such intelect? An entire empire could have been saved had they just been able to present to the people of Europe and the Mediterranean with the numerical evidence that life without Roman rulers couldn't be as good as life under Roman rule.

        The silly Romans allowed people to use their own eyes to see with, there own experiences to make judgements by and there own desires to plan for a different future. No wonder that empire collapsed.

        We can all rest assured the CWB has things well in hand and they'll tell us what to see, think and do.

        And who better to do the job than a University of Sask. economist. Their work is renowned in (drawing a blank), hmm?, by (drawing a blank), hmm? Well, probably at two places anyhow.



          Adam and Parsley; Recommended some people you would like to trust for the report to Mr. Grey. I suggest Adam Smith and Ken Ritter. Sorry Tom4cwb we don't like your name.(kind of biased).


            Chas, there's not any problem getting some really good people to send in a report. Lots of producers are good at making a report and recommendations that is good for all farmers.

            The trouble is, what will Gray do with the report? "Delete" with the 67 organic boys.....that's what he did in '95 with them. And Chas, If he would do it with one bunch of producers...organic, chicken, echinacea,feedlot, canola, or whatever, he'll do it with any bunch of producers. Farmers deserve more respect than he has shown.


              Hiring Richard Gray to evaluate the performance of the CWB is akin to hiring Homer Simpson to evaluate his favorite donut shop. Homer being the epicure that he is might be slightly more objective. The inflated egos at the CWB hate criticism so if they decide to have themselves evaluated why not hire someone like perfesser Richard Gray who is one of the most persistent and unrepentant apologists for the board. Of course even Homer Simpson would understand that the most effective evaluation of any market or marketing system is an open and competitive cash market. Does anyone really believe that this expensive little exercise will prove anything other than the CWB, in Richard Gray's opinion, is above reproach?


                Well well,

                What can we say,

                I like the single hockey team explanation, good shot!

                But how do we get through all the fog?

                I hope we can do the ultimate benchmarking study, an exemption like Ontario has!

                Some will like it, some will hate it, some won't care. Let's hope there is enough trust left to give an exemption at try!

                If Ontario can do it , why not here?


                  Hmmm who can I trust. Hmmm my MP??? My MLA??? My religious leader!???? Mr. Grey (give me a break). How about myself and mother nature. What happens when the open market don't work. Guess what? We can't trust ourselves.
                  Dandelions are trustful quess where I'm ahead boys. Hick. Chas.



                    I was really trying to get some input on this idea, and over in another topic I mentioned that the Auditor General is going to be doing some benchmarking of his own!

                    Now if anyone has a good idea, why not send it to Mr. Grey and c.c. it to Mr. John McCullough, in Winnepeg, mcculljd@oag-bvg.gc.ca

                    This would allow two different people to see the issues that should be studied!

                    Then someone might do something, maybe?


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