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Barley economics

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    Barley economics

    What is going to happen to barley without the CWB?
    Is feed barley going to be in demand? If so, what will it yield if it is worth $3.00 or more consistently? We have all seen canola fields pushed to well over 50 bushels because it is worth it at $8.00 but when we stop chasing malt how high will feed barley yield? CPS targets are 80-100 bu/ac, canola 50 bu. Will higher feed prices bump yield targets up to 120 or higher?
    Or will a real malt premium let producers make money at 70 bushels (lower nitrogen inputs)?
    Here in central alberta malt is pretty tough to get consistently so I think we might be better off chasing big yields and not worry about protein, moisture etc.

    No one gave you a response Ron so I will to rejuvenate discussion the afternoon after the plebiscite announcement. Lots of other factors than the CWB (potential late spring, good prices, innovative programs from the maltsters, optimism over corn) that will increase barley acres. Will note craig's concern over barley prices this fall. Hopefully can generate discussion here.


      You want a discussion charliep, okay.

      If my observations and instincts serve me like I would like them to, I would say that the CWB has made an effort to not sell barley. Any kind of barley.

      The barley stocks are too high, and because they are, if they get dumped quickly into the marketplace, the price will fall.

      It wouldn't surprise me if the Board has helped to make this happen.

      If the price falls, the Board can blame the "open market".

      What better than to sit on barley through high prices, only to watch it flood the market, and provide an excuse for farmers not to vote for wheat out of the Board?

      Would they do it?

      Do you even have to ask?



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