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CWB Barley Plebicite Results

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    CWB Barley Plebicite Results

    Here are the results!

    29700 % Turnout

    62% want to take it away from the CWB Monopoly


    Regulation change for 07-08 Crop Year... not done through legistative change in Parliament.

    45.1% for #1 in SK


      Breakdown by Province; Question-1,2,3 by %:

      BC- 1:42.3% 2:49.4% 3:8.3%

      AB- 1:21.4% 2:63.4% 3:15.2%

      SK- 1:45.1% 2:42.1% 3:12.8%

      MB- 1:50.6% 2:34.6% 3:14.8%

      Overall 1:37.8% 2:48.4% 3:13.8%


        One down One More to Go.
        Christmas just about got me kicked out of the outlaws house for discussing the barley vote.
        Hell Easter Ill be eating in the yard.
        Oh well I like the results only the Saskatchewan die hards CWB Supporters bugs me we should have come in close to alberta's numbers I thought.
        Well maybe the CWB will now try to get us a great price not just give away our product.


          can't beleive there were that many stupid enough to select #2



            Yes everyone of those should have voted for #3 so you wouldn't be cofused but lets carry on and if the CWB is as good as they claim everyone of those who voted for 2 and all those who voted for #1 will still make ir a viable business.

            If they can not operate it was never meant to be.



              2mmt of barley out of a total 12mmt... less than 20% marketed through the CWB... and this is an effective monopoly?

              Do you understand how stupid the CWB looks right now?

              The majority of growers who voted want the CWB as a marketing partner...

              And the CWB says NO WAY?

              How stupid is that?


                86% want the cwb to stay in one form or another and they look stupid.



                  The vote may also reflect something else.

                  Most of the choice voters were willing to accomodate their neighbors who want to use the CWB.

                  Time and time again, I heard Choicers express the view that although they despised the CWB, they would vote for #2 because it was more akin to their thinking, which is "Let farmers have choice", even the ones I don't agree with.

                  The gesture was not reciprocal. In life or in the vote. Single-desk voters are committed to, "My way or jail"

                  It's what ultimately defines what you are, what path you take in life and how you treat other farmers.



                    Tolerance, what a concept.

                    To bad the single desker's forever just don't get it.


                      That's okay...soon the wolves will be let loose on you poor defenceless sheep and boy will you get FLEECED. With out a single-desk working on your behalf, you guys are TOAST.

                      After the feds completely deregulate the railroad freight structure, you will be really "BURNT TOAST".


                        Just like all those oats producers, who just keep growing more and more of it. They're real gluttons for punishment.

                        How on earth can anyone make money on the open market when those big bad companies are offering $2.70u. on new crop oats.

                        Oh, the horror.



                          Is it true that you are trying to spearhead a group from East Berlin to get the wall rebuilt again?


                            Yes it is true.


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