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Ritter Kept Calling it a Buisiness!

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    Ritter Kept Calling it a Buisiness!

    Just listened to the lame response by the CWB and Ken Ritter. Over and over its a business decision that we cant operate without the CWB control. Well Mr Ritter if farming is a business and we cant operate with the CWB controls so we can make money for once in our lives why cant the CWB. Oh the answer is that they really cant compete in the REAL world and all they have ever done was Create Jobs for Labour and not Profit for farmers.
    Then he went on to say that He knows better than the Minister of Agriculture about the CWB ACT and Parliment.
    It made me really sick that a person would go to such great lengths to keep his job and not do the honorable thing and Just ADMIT YOU LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    Ken Ritter commenting on Chuck Strahl's announcment today: "jiggery, pokery".



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