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CWB district 8 turncoat

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    CWB district 8 turncoat

    Wonder if Flaman will jump the fence again?
    He might want to be a choice campaigner again to get back on a modern ship before that old rusty bucket he climbed on with Ritter, sinks completly.

    What have you done to serve farmers interests at large?



      I think ridgie was referring to those doing a **disservice** to farmers' interests.

      Over the past Rittership, the CWB support has descended into self-destruction.

      Look at the numbers....over 4,000 farmers in the CWB don't want the CWB in any shape or form. 4,000! Pack a hall with 4,000 farmers chanting, Disappear, you slimeballs", and you'll get the visual.

      Quite a change in 10 years. Make sure you thank Ritter and Macklin and Flaman for the Board's decline.



        At least they were legitimately voted in, unlike chums, Bruce Johnson and Kenny Motuik, and Findly.

        Looks like marching boots will be back in style.

        By the way Parsley, you dont need to waste your time here trying to promote your cause. Afterall it only required 13.8% of you to convince Harper that you are the majority.

        I hope you get what you asked for, that your Potash and Oil is nationalized, and that Quebec receives 10 Billion in transfer payments in the next election, and that Toronto auto makers receive additional tax support, and their subways and road networks receive 20 Billion in transfer payments from the west, after all, they wont loose western votes.
        That ON and QU supply management is protected at all costs at WTO at the expense of Western grain farmers (i.e. complete deregulation of rail freight, etc to appease your US friends.

        You are naive.


          BH...or maybe that is BS......who does your shaving???Naive,do you know what that means??Are you tying to blame all those Liberal problems on Chuck Strahl or ?????


            Mr. Hin;

            I think you miss counted.

            Over 50,000 of 80,000 growers... could care less about the CWB (they chose not to vote)... while 4,000 took the time to express their disappointment that the CWB has failed... and is not considered a reasonable nor trustworthy choice to do business with.

            A story is told... either way.


              Thats it troll just keep spreading the fear. It trumps all, after all.
              Not one solid statement just keep treating us like mushrooms.
              My CWB does not need your grain!
              What is your CWB going to do with out my Barley come August 1st/07 you better have a plan!


                Sounds like Benny just got hit with a truck loaded with barley for Prairie malt......hmmmmmmm.....
                AND charged us frieght all the way to the ocean frieghters........and never gave us ANY choice.....
                Minister Strahl and PM Harper.....gave us some of the choice back those commies took away from us....
                I have worked VERY hard for farmers, with SARM and at a few other levels, for the MAJORITY....


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