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Dion said. “Let’s tell (Prime Minister Stephen Harper) to stop forcing his ideology down your throat

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    Dion said. “Let’s tell (Prime Minister Stephen Harper) to stop forcing his ideology down your throat

    This Statement is one I have heard from the Liberals, the NDP, the NFU and the CWB. A statement from the very people who have been shoving their idiology (with NO choice) down our throats for some 70 plus years.
    We now have a government who want to give us some choice and democracy, and these bunch of goons are pointing fingers.....
    They should remember.....when they point a finger, there are three fingers pointing right back at them!!!!!!!!

    Forcing ideology?

    What about this one from Bitter:

    <i>The results of the barley plebiscite announced today are not overly surprising. The CWB has been surveying farmers every year for the past 10 years and these results appear to be consistent with our annual findings.</i>

    So, the CWB has know for years that the majority of farmers want substantial change (choice) in the barley market. But the CWB has refused to provide it.

    And now its going to spend those same farmers' money to fight the government's efforts to give them what they want.

    How's THAT for forcing ideology down a throat!


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