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Phone survey??

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    Phone survey??

    Wondering how many got a call from a Winnipeg firm about CWB etc. etc.
    Normally if no $$ No answers, but I felt that this one was my civic duty.
    But Holy Happy Smoke Batman were these questions obtuse. Not since my last psych eval. have I heard questions so utterly unanswerable!!
    After soldiering on for 50 mins. I asked him how many people come unhinged? He replied "Lots".
    Seems this "Civil War" has someone waking up!

    What was the purpose of the call?



      It was a survey.
      "Do you greatly dislike-somewhat dislike-somewhat like-greatly like.
      exchange 'like' for 'agree'
      Also asked some "In my own words" questions (he couldn't type 20 words a minute), therefore losing most content and all context.
      "Some would say.."
      "What Group do you trust.."
      "Whom do you trust.."
      "Who do you believe.."
      "Do you trust company "X" more than the CWB?
      "Do you believe the CWB is controlled by the government??
      Shucks, 50 minutes worth.


        Did you ask the guy who was paying for the survey? Was it sponsored by the CWB?


          Recieved the same survey 2 days ago. Was very much slanted towards the CWB. Some of the questions were worded in such a way that there was no way the CWB could look bad irregardless of the answer.


            Sounds like the Innovative Research survey the CWB did a year ago in terms of questions. I encourage everyone to request a copy of last years survey. The actual questions asked a year ago and the actual results are included in the original published survey. Hopefully this one will be published in total as well.


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