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Western Barley Growers taking the Lead

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    Western Barley Growers taking the Lead

    The way we market our barley is changing

    Find Out How!

    Farmers clearly voted for change in the recent barley plebiscite. The federal government promises change.

    So, what are your options?

    How can you make the most money from your barley crop?

    The Western Barley Growers Association is presenting a forum to answer your questions.

    Wellington West Room,
    Gallagher Centre, Yorkton
    Friday April 27th, 1-3 pm.
    CONTACT: wbga@wbga.org

    Wah Hoo! Farmers are grabbing their futures!


    The way we market our barley is changing. Find Out How in Airdrie!

    How can you make the most money from your barley crop?

    The Western Barley Growers Association
    is presenting a forum to answer
    your questions.

    WHERE: The Chalet - Westerner Park, Red Deer
    WHEN: Monday April 30th, 7-9 pm.
    CONTACT: wbga@wbga.org

    Western Barley Growers Association

    A strong voice for a vibrant, market responsive barley industry in Western Canada

    Agriculture Centre - 97 East Lake Ramp NE
    Airdrie, AB T4A 0C3
    Phone: (403) 912-3998
    www.wbga.org Email: wbga@wbga.org


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