I think it is time that this useless organization cease to exist! It has been taking money from all barley producers for years, published a useless newsletter full of barley flour recipes and Alberta Gov't propoganda, and holding goofy meetings. Out with the old, lets slash and burn the old establishment. I can market from my home PC now, grain companies are my friends, lets rock and roll.
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Useless Alberta Barley Commission
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I agree its time to look at all aspects of agriculture and start slashing and burning as you say.
SASK AG AND FOOD and their useless crop reporting.
Canola Growers and their we need 15,000,000 acres now we got their and watch what will happen to our price.
It will nose dive.
PMRA and all the staff that work their, give back the payoffs the chem companies have been sliding your way and lets the free market work. Glyfos extra in USA at 3.20 liter Canadian.
Stats Canada with today's technology do you think a crop report could be done in the last week before the 24 of April so the information is close to whats going to happen.
The CWB (enough said on this one) Just let us go on our own.
SASK CROP INSURANCE, Come on guys get us on the same field as Manitoba for christ sakes. (NDP No Development Policy)
The Railways, use to pride themselves on being on time, HA HA HA just send cars when you say their coming.
Burbert: I share your opinion. From day one, I saw the commission as one-sided and strongly dominated by a cabal of growers who just happened to be anti-CWB and just happened to be "friends of the AB gov't" as well. They took our check-off money as well as money from the AB gov't and formed a propaganda organization IMO.
That's okay, I applied and got every cottonpickin' check-off dollar back as the years went by. They didn't need my bucks to promote their cause which was not mine.
Wil: Turn it around:
From day one, I saw the CWB as one-sided and strongly dominated by a cabal of growers who just happened to be pro-CWB and just happened to be "friends of the Canadain gov't" as well. They took our pool money as well as money from the Canada gov't and formed a propaganda organization IMO.
Now how do you suppose farmers who don't agree with you and the CWB propaganda, get their money back?
Well said.
Cooperation can work... without a mandatory "single desk"... by people with initiative and who will work hard.
It helps to be people of Integrety... who are honestly trying to create prosperity and a better community & for their family... to build a better future for the next generation!
A cup is half full people... who have faith tommorrow will bring a better future... if we work hard to build it...
Instead of left wing desperados who see stealing prosperity from the past as an easy way to tickle their brains... and make themselves feel powerful and pad their pockets with the sweat and tears of their neighbour...
A theif is a thief... no matter how you spell it!
I am glad ABC used my money in a cause that is honourable... helping hard working researchers in cooperation with barley growers and processors... try to build a healthy prosperous future for our Ag Community.
Sometimes ABC got the job done... at times it didn't work out as ABC planned...
But certainly not because of a lack of honest, hard work, positive attitude... Trying people in ABC's history who said "impossible" is only a little higher level of "difficult"!
Bless them all and every one... those who led... and are leading the charge... their work was not in vain... IMHO.
Tom4CWB: " am glad ABC used my money in a cause that is honourable... helping hard working researchers in cooperation with barley growers and processors... try to build a healthy prosperous future for our Ag Community."
IF the ABC had stuck with research, promotion and goodwill, then I would have had no quarrel with their efforts. When 70% of their efforts and money went into lobbying against the CWB and other perceived "impediments", then I said, enough is enough.
In the past 5 years, what % has been spent on the former... and the latter... Wilagro?
Please tell me, other than the "Dare" CWB Goodale gave... to take the CWB to Federal Court to acheive our property and civil rights as farmers in a free and democratic society...
CWB Minister Goodale Said that only a court of competent jurisdiction could remove the CWB from our farm fields and bins...
When even the consensus view of Goodales own hand picked western grain marketing panel (WGMPR)agreed barley needed to be removed from the grips of the CWB single desk...
Admit it Wilagro... there was no doubt an injustice with barley.. CWB Commissioner Ken Beswick clearly identified it. THE WGMPR recommended simple and competent solutions... and Goodale messed it up royally.
Please don't blame hard working good intentioned people for Goodale's Revenge!
Wilagro, Yeah in with the new, out with the old, I agree with Saskfarm3, all of the crap has to go, grain and fert companies make enough off us as it is and are not our friends. Checkoffs, I always demand their return. The ABC out of Calgary, is a politico organization, jumping up and down at the whim of the current AB Gov't, hence are totally useless. Barley flour cookies and muffins, sold at the Co-op (mostly to tough to swallow), what a deluxe contribution to modern ag, or should I say gag!! Their marching orders come directly from Alberta Cabinet, Boooooo, boohoooo!
It was Very frustrating to have seen all that $barley growers money$ spent on the Barley Charter Challenge...
IMHO the only positive result from this legal challenge of CWB authority was to learn this:
It was and is the responsibility of the Canadian Parliament, the CWB Minister of the CWB... to decide what marketing powers the CWB should or should not have. Not the Courts... & Not the CWB Directors... the rightful authority of the Privy Council through its Regulations & orders to determine what the CWB should or should not do: and how to do this.
Expensive lesson... but we did learn it. If the Canadian Court system has any integrety... it will stand by these decisions.
How this flows back to an attack on the Alberta Government... I fail to understand...
I knew many an AB Ag minister...
All who in the end essentially said this... Don't waste a cent on lawyers fighting the CWB... because "Trade & Commerce Powers" are the responsibility of the CDN federal government and it alone.
I hope the CWB Directors stop wasting our hard earned pool account money... for the lesson is there for them to learn from... as well as it was for the ABC!
You might add the issues around getting a health claim in Canada. Beta glucan can be sold in the US with a health claim but not in Canada. Why is this important? I suspect you may want to consider the health issues baby boomers are facing.
What should be done differently with research and development? Who should finance? If the farm community isn't at the table with money, do they have any right to ask for influence on reseach and development initiatives?
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