The 65 bucks wasn't 65 bucks more like 50 bucks an acre. Levelling off the erosion ate up a good chunk of that. We took out transmission in the combine the fall before, needed a backhoe to get the machine out in the end. We had some acres seeded as well but were more than happy not to have to do anything with those acres until harvest, mind you there was nothing there to harvest as it rotted most of it.
You are right you should have gotten more but that should have come through a more decent crop insurance that would cover those inputs. As example the 220 bucks an acre coverage on canola in Manitoba not the crap program we have here in Saskatchewan where last year and the year before I believe the averaged coverage for canola was 80 to 90 bucks an acre. If there was a crop insurance and revenue insurance that guaranteed over 200 bucks for crops we wouldn't need the slow cais and the thousands of employees there.
We went through the wet harvest scenerio the year before and totally sympathize with you but 65 bucks an acre doesn't get anyone through.
You are right you should have gotten more but that should have come through a more decent crop insurance that would cover those inputs. As example the 220 bucks an acre coverage on canola in Manitoba not the crap program we have here in Saskatchewan where last year and the year before I believe the averaged coverage for canola was 80 to 90 bucks an acre. If there was a crop insurance and revenue insurance that guaranteed over 200 bucks for crops we wouldn't need the slow cais and the thousands of employees there.
We went through the wet harvest scenerio the year before and totally sympathize with you but 65 bucks an acre doesn't get anyone through.