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Buy out the CWB?

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    Buy out the CWB?

    Enough bitching and sniveling by the CWB directors.

    1. What would it cost to just buy out the malt they screwed up on?

    2. Get them to decide in writing if they are farmer controlled or government controlled (as they claim both when it suits their purpose but still run back to the gov tit when they are hungry)

    3. If the gov buys them out of THE CWB malt mess will they shut the hell up and either try a dual market selling real grain they have committed for the farmers benefit ($$$), or quit speculating with FARMERS grain the CWB doesnt have (stop selling a product they cant source, there should be enough CWB supporters that will commit to the board for some of that premium they offer, IF the CWB supporters actually grow grain anymore).

    Hopefully the malt mess can be sorted out but if it means we will be stuck the the monopoly for another year I would like a firm $ number on what it would take to end it now.
    Tell me a number and I would probably let it come out of the 2006/07 final payment (It will let us know how ending the wheat monopoly in a year or two will go).

    Yeah, I am bitchy with the weather and the coffee maker is broken. It is getting harder and harder to read this CWB CRAP (Constantly Repeated Assinine Propiganda).

    I wish I could preview a post, I need all the help I can get with spelling and grammmer. This is what I wanted to say.

    Hopefully the malt mess can be sorted out but if it means we will be stuck WITH the monopoly for another year I would like a firm $ number on what it would take to end it now.


      If you put the Google toolbar on your browser it comes with a nifty little spellcheck feature that works great for this kind of stuff.



        It is obvious the CWB managers are not dealing with the folks in our industry in good faith... and it is wrecking our industry even more than before. This will set our barley industry back years... if not dealt with effectively.

        Let us remember this is not the first time this has happened... remember 2002?

        The Question I have is; what professional advice was given to make these sales decisions... for both 06-07 and 07-08... that would mitigate the liability directors had for responsibility in this matter?

        Was there a motion by the CWB Directors to sell both the 06-07 & 07-08 malt barley crops @ (60%?) these substandard market values..? What was the logic?

        Time for an accountability act inquirey.

        With clear signals that August 1/07 was the change period expected by everyone the industry... if there was no motion authorising these substandard sales... you couldn't tell a reasonable sane person with a straight face the CWB directors didn't talk about it and know it was going on.

        THEY 7 IRONED it into the water hazard.

        THE CWB would go B-a-n-k-r-u-p-t if they were a commecial organisation.

        CWB Managers need to know what it is to operate in the real commercial world every "designated area" grain grower & INDUSRTY business must live with every day of the year.

        If they can't learn this... they have no business being a marketing partner of anyone in the "designated area".


          Simply if they screwed up that bad again give us a number take it out of the pool and lets just kill this buerocratic nightmare once and for all.
          To all the CWB supporters take your blinders off these guys cant get any thing right they have screwed us for years and only looked after one party the Elevators railways foreign buyers etc FARMERS got the Crumbs by their own organization. Because why are only the Above memtioned and the liberals really worried if it ends or the books are opened. HM
          Also in the early days of this useless organization we were told we had to sell to this group so grain could be sent home to mother england and europe for a set below market price to help feed our homeland.
          We have been getting screwed since time began.
          Im voting for farmers union. NDP and Liberals, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAH

          Iam going to get stuck at least thats my own fault not some buerocratical night mare CWB.


            I just heard members of boards of directors are personally liable in this province. Wonder if CWB directors are losing a little sleep.


              How could the values be soo low that they fear not getting any barley? The grain companies offered guaranteed mininum price contracts that are above last years values. These values had to come from the cwb, so are prices going to go way up? If we listen to the cwb "experts" prices will only fall if an open market exists. One can't have it both ways.


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