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Glyphos Prices to Increase.

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    Glyphos Prices to Increase.

    Just reading the Western Producer and I see poor Monsanto is going to increase their prices for all roundup products because of a shortage because so much Us Corn is being planted and the Chinese Cant make it fast enough.
    What has happened that are friends Crop Life Canada have successfully shut the door to cheaper products and PMRA caved and let farmers again hang in the wind.
    But who supported these individuals you ask. Well our vary own Canola growers association (yea their geniuses)etc.
    AS of yesterday if we had access to the USA we could have bought Generics for Quoted price.
    TSC store in St. Johns is selling 30 gallons of Rascal brand generic roundup for $343 dollars for 30 gallons or roughly $11.43 a gallon that works out to $3.35 Canadian a liter.
    Their is product out their its available to our competitors but to Canadians we get rules and regulations. But in Canada the Biggest losers in the area run to join these advisory boards and what do we get out of it is this kind of intelligent decisions.
    No conspiracy theory just truth Farmer's loose another one.


    IOU rules required PMRA to open up propritory information submitted upon original registration... to compare to imported substitutes... for equivilency comparison.

    We were told PMRA was threatened with legal action if this information was used in the future to import generic chem products.

    Hopefully everyone will be winners as we convert to North American standards that labeled/products can enter both US and Canada at the same time.

    This should provide lower cost for everyone, including growers who use these products.

    You claim there is a scam and conspiracy against growers... I suggest this is a distorted view, and much more is involved in this situation (including the simple respect for legitimate property rights)than what you appear to know or be concerned about!


      from FNA websitehttp://www.fna.ca/cms/content/view/171

      Specifics about GROU
      Only products from USA will be allowed under GROU.
      Requires identicality of product between Canada & USA (i.e. Roundup Transorb® vs. Roundup Transorb®) and product must be registered in both countries by same manufacturer. Requires chemical to already be registered in Canada. If this was the requirement two years ago ClearOut 41 Plus would not be available in Canada today.
      Farmers are required to apply to PMRA for import permit on product intended for import.
      Provides all market power to Canadian Chemical Manufacturers as they control chemical identicality and it is up to the discretion of the manufacturers to provide evidence of identicality to the PMRA.
      May provide access to more chemicals from USA in quicker time if USA manufacturers surrender their laboratory testing data to PMRA. If they do not, new chemicals under GROU may take longer than OUI.

      Specifics about OUI
      Allows access to chemicals from entire world (most low-cost generics are not made in the USA or Canada).
      Only requires equivalency between products (i.e. Roundup Transorb® vs. ClearOut 41 Plus®).
      Farmers are required to apply to PMRA for import permit on product intended for import.
      Provides farmers control over their market as generic chemicals not presently available in Canada can be brought in to increase competition and reduce prices. Allows farmer or sponsor of program to prove equivalency to PMRA.
      Will provide access to generic equivalent of nearly every major chemical used by farmers in Canada.
      Put in place in 1993 to ensure farmers have access to competitively priced pesticides. Only tool available to farmers to ensure they have some control and influence over the market price of farm chemicals.

      Look up other websites your self from crop life, but it is like listening to some politician speak...just grand visions of a utopian future for farmers, no specifics. The above lays everything out in plain english, and the above points are what we should be debating. I personally do not see much upside with the new regulations, especially the dropping of the equivalency and replacing it with identicality.
      I agree TOM4CWB, we should all get better informed on this issue. Phone/write your MP before its too late.

      P.S. Maybe my gut instinct is wrong, can someone please explain to me how I will save money with the new regulations? ALso, what is wrong with generics from other countries coming in after a patent expires?


        Simply we wont since croplife has closed the door to cheaper generics let the skinning begin it will be the same as the anhydrous this year.
        Farmers - 0
        Everyone else - 100
        Risk side
        Farmers - 100
        Everyone else - 0

        Simply with a decent crop at todays prices in a year or two most Western canadian farmers would need little to no operating,spring advances etc and could run all farm on cash basis do you think thats what the chem fert grain etc want hell no is the plain answer.

        Watch as all loopholes are going to be closed.

        And if farmers are two buisy to see this it will happen.


          all this just shows how powerful these guys are.

          lots of money to buyoff supposed farm groups , lots of money and influence to get their way in ottawa and washington.

          we as farmers were told we couldn't have 2 priced wheat. you can't lock down the borders , and charge more domesticly. thats criminal, and its not fair to consumers.

          but now we are going to have fortress north amercia, 5 chem. co.s priceing in unision.
          old off patent chems priced at whatever the market will bear.

          even though you could buy them cheaper than dishsoap, in china.

          Even better for these co.s is they don't have to invest in R&D for new products . because they can extract every possible dollar from the market with the old crap. ( thats mostly why they don't come out with much new now )

          this is not about intelectual property, this is about market manipulation.

          these market distorting regulations, subsidiseing the chem companys, should be the first thing we trade away at the GATT.

          it dosen't cost 800$ to buy a VCR these days , so why does it still cost 800$ for a jug of select or poast. same vintage.


            There’s no copyrightable data package that goes along with patenting a VCR.

            I’d like to know why the data package copyright for chemicals doesn’t expire with the patent. It appears that patents are effectively granted forever for these products because of copyright law.


              glyphosate is the crack cocaine of grain farming. there are very few grain farmers who could farm without it now and i think the junkies will have a lot of trouble trying to take market control from the pushers.


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