Trouble with cash advance guys?
The following is quotes from the Standing Committee of Agriculture. Notice that Michael Halyk is your CWB elected Director-Bureaucra. ( David Anderson is an Alliance MP):
Mr. David Anderson: I find it interesting that some of our small towns have
been able to put in processing plants and specialty crops. They're providing
lots of income, lots of jobs in our communities and wheat is absolutely dead
as far as anybody being able to develop anything with it.
You can defend it all you want but the political part of it comes as much
from your side as it does from anywhere else.
My second question is, you wrote in here in the beginning, that the CDB has
been criticized in the past for operating like a government bureaucracy. We
have people going into the fields in the next week, around my area, and I
think we've seen another example of bureaucracy here over the last couple of
weeks with the cash advance program. I had people phone me yesterday, the
forms are not even out. You come to a deadline when you're supposed to be
able to apply, the forms are not out, they called in about it, they can't
e-mail or fax them, that can't happen they were told.
So you're sitting there with a program that has been very well advertised as
kind of the star program that the government's got and it can't be
administered properly enough that people can get their money before they
start to seed their crops.
Mr. Micheal Halyk: I assure you, sir, you're asking a good question. I think
that question's probably best asked of the federal government. The cash
advance program is the federal government's program. We're the
administrators of that program.
I, too, checked at the local elevators yesterday to see if the forms were
there because April 2, or we were advertising on our web site, was the date
for the kick off. The forms weren't all there, upon checking further, the
follow up was that there were problems within the federal government in
getting the exact wording on those forms so that they could be printed and
sent out to us.
I apologize, sir, but we're only the carriers of the word administrators and
the question is best sent over to the federal government.
Mr. David Anderson: I know what the problem with the wording was. It was
between the two and the five, they didn't know if it was $20,000 or $50,000,
that's what we were told the difference was. They couldn't get the forms out
in two weeks, or you couldn't get them out in two weeks, because they didn't
know if they should put a two or a five down and that's unacceptable.
Mr. Micheal Halyk: That's not us, sir, we only are the administrators of
that program. END OF QUOTE
The following is quotes from the Standing Committee of Agriculture. Notice that Michael Halyk is your CWB elected Director-Bureaucra. ( David Anderson is an Alliance MP):
Mr. David Anderson: I find it interesting that some of our small towns have
been able to put in processing plants and specialty crops. They're providing
lots of income, lots of jobs in our communities and wheat is absolutely dead
as far as anybody being able to develop anything with it.
You can defend it all you want but the political part of it comes as much
from your side as it does from anywhere else.
My second question is, you wrote in here in the beginning, that the CDB has
been criticized in the past for operating like a government bureaucracy. We
have people going into the fields in the next week, around my area, and I
think we've seen another example of bureaucracy here over the last couple of
weeks with the cash advance program. I had people phone me yesterday, the
forms are not even out. You come to a deadline when you're supposed to be
able to apply, the forms are not out, they called in about it, they can't
e-mail or fax them, that can't happen they were told.
So you're sitting there with a program that has been very well advertised as
kind of the star program that the government's got and it can't be
administered properly enough that people can get their money before they
start to seed their crops.
Mr. Micheal Halyk: I assure you, sir, you're asking a good question. I think
that question's probably best asked of the federal government. The cash
advance program is the federal government's program. We're the
administrators of that program.
I, too, checked at the local elevators yesterday to see if the forms were
there because April 2, or we were advertising on our web site, was the date
for the kick off. The forms weren't all there, upon checking further, the
follow up was that there were problems within the federal government in
getting the exact wording on those forms so that they could be printed and
sent out to us.
I apologize, sir, but we're only the carriers of the word administrators and
the question is best sent over to the federal government.
Mr. David Anderson: I know what the problem with the wording was. It was
between the two and the five, they didn't know if it was $20,000 or $50,000,
that's what we were told the difference was. They couldn't get the forms out
in two weeks, or you couldn't get them out in two weeks, because they didn't
know if they should put a two or a five down and that's unacceptable.
Mr. Micheal Halyk: That's not us, sir, we only are the administrators of
that program. END OF QUOTE