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CWB & $4.25 Malt Barley

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    CWB & $4.25 Malt Barley

    Charlie, Chaff, Lee,

    If the CWB PAID $4.25/bu for normal 2 Row Malt barley... did a top up through the Contingency fund for everyone that wants to apply... the 06-07 Barley problem can be solved in one decision. It would be done. THis is fair market value; the CWB must be obligated to pay a fair price... why would anyone expect less.

    These "single minded" CWB Directors are running blind... "The JOLLY RODGER is headed full speed into a huge ICEBERG.

    The DECK chairs are getting dizzy!

    These GUYS are destroying the very organisation they are obligated to manage in the long term interest of this corporation...

    There is no way any reasonable independant third party could back these stupid short term blunders ... when CWB future policy should be on building a strong long term organisation to serve grain growers; novel idea... to MAXIMISE their returns.

    CWB managers appear to be doing everything possible to MINIMISE "designated area" grain revenue... especially on BARLEY.

    Take these Turkeys off the deck before they crash the ship! (Sorry Fouls)

    Tom: Since you have the gift to predict markets, please provide us with your barley marketing strategy for 2007-08 right now. I dont want to miss the market highs next year.

    Thanks in advance. You are wonderful.

    God bless Tom.



      I cannot "predict" what the needs and aspirations of other grain growers are... marketing decisions need to be personal decisions their farms alone are responsible to make and fulfill.

      The CWB's job is to facilitate this wheat & Barley market... to bring together responsible buyers and sellers... and accomodate this trade in an orderly and transparent manner. No secrets... and no surprises.

      We both know the market will rise and fall... the very nature of a supply & demand driven economy... when transparent disclosure of sales values occurs.

      A responsible marketing plan will sell produce in the historic 70% or higher values. THis program must look after cash flow requirements, keep financing costs to a minimum, and supply buyers high quality product... when they need it.

      Look at futures spreads between months , they are the best indicator of where the market is going.


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