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AWB single desk

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    AWB single desk


    I see Howard is having a hard time with this one!


    "Single desk wheat exports to stay

    May 21, 2007 - 5:59AM

    The single desk for wheat exports will be retained but will be run by players other than the disgraced AWB.

    Prime Minister John Howard is set to announce the reform of the wheat marketing system at a partyroom meeting. The compromise is aimed at quelling a coalition backbench revolt.

    The single desk will be managed by grain exporters other than AWB, which paid $290 million in kickbacks to Saddam Hussein, and will be overseen by the government through a beefed-up wheat export authority (WEA), The Australian newspaper reported.

    Agriculture Minister Peter McGauran said a final decision will be announced this week.

    "Growers need certainty above all else," he said. "The government will shortly make a final decision on future marketing arrangements after exhaustive consultation with growers.

    "By adopting a single-desk model, I believe the majority of government MPs and growers will be satisfied, but by not returning to the status quo, there will be a minority who remain unhappy."

    Nationals senator Barnaby Joyce said MPs needed time to review the proposed model.

    "The argument comes down to what role the WEA has," he said. If it is in charge of issuing licences, you could have a situation where the WEA will issue additional licences and that, of course, means no single desk.

    "Having a single desk with extra licences is liking having a single child with five brothers and sisters."

    Ghandi had quite a time with the British, too. For centuries, the Indians used salt to preserve their food.

    So, the British arbitrarily decided permits would have to be granted to access the salt. Permits were denied umless the er, tax was paid, and of course, jail was the single option if an Indian decided to not pay.

    There is your single desk thinking.

    That's what we're dealing with.

    Greedy people always want their cut.



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