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Easter Wants Continuing Cheap Barley Prices for Farmers

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    Easter Wants Continuing Cheap Barley Prices for Farmers

    WBGA Questions Liberal Agriculture Critic’s Encouragement for Civil Disobedience

    May 22, 2007 - Airdrie, AB: Liberal agriculture critic Wayne Easter is calling upon farmers and special interest groups to challenge the federal governments proposed regulatory changes to the marketing of barley through the CWB.

    "Although the proposed changes will not remove the right under the CWB Act, of farmers to deliver and sell their barley through the CWB, Mr. Easter is calling upon farmers to legally challenge the new regulations, therefore denying all barley farmers higher returns" states Jeff Nielsen, President of the Western Barley Growers Association (WBGA). "We are seeing much higher prices this year for barley, both domestically and internationally. The CWB has undersold the current malt barley market, and Mr. Easter is asking farmers to be forced to deliver to the under-price marketing fiasco of the CWB. Yet with the new proposed changes to the CWB marketing of barley, farmers can finally achieve substantial returns by selling their barley to whoever they choose".

    The key part of the regulatory changes enforces the right of producers to continue to use the CWB as a marketing agent. This keeps those that want to price pool and have the guarantee of government backing security there for them to use. It is the responsibility of the board of directors of the CWB, and management, to develop a plan to meet the needs of those farmers who wish to continue to use the CWB. This is one key responsibility the board of directors have taken for granted when it comes to barley marketing; evident in the lack of feed barley sales, and the below market pricing of malt barley.

    "One of the claimed strengths of the CWB is its reputation and marketing experience, if under proper direction, this could benefit those farmers who wish to use it. WBGA challenges the CWB to actually work and develop a marketing plan for those barley farmers whom still wish to use it to market their barley" remarks Nielsen

    "The majority support choice marketing (as the results of the barley plebiscite and CWB surveys show), understand the risks, and want the right to see these rewards of higher returns to our farm gates" continues Nielsen.

    “I ask Mr. Easter what is wrong with farmers making a better return from their barley sales. Would this not lead to less dependency on government (taxpayer) adhoc support payments? Would it not encourage growth in our rural communities? Would it not build stronger relations with our processing industries such as the Maltsters? Encouraging farmers to fight farmers is not the Canadian way. We are progressive, adaptive and eager to work towards a better tomorrow for our families, community and country" concludes Nielsen.

    This is the same Liberal government that put farmers in Jail for trying to ship grain to the us on their own.
    Now he is saying civil disobedience is the way to go.
    GOD lets hope Ontario doesn't vote these idiots in again or we will be really cooked in western Canada.


      Wayne Easter and David Orchard will define the Liberal's Stephane Dion's agricultural policy.

      Would maltsters relish David Orchard in charge of malt barley policy?




        It would be hard to come to any conclusion but: The CWB "single desk" is for the benefit of the CWB Agent, not the "Designated Area" grower.

        The result of CWB actions... since 1993: year after year... is to benefit the "Agents of the Board" & Industry... at the expense of "designated area" growers.

        Do the NDP, Wayne Easter, David Orchard, Goofy Goodale... & or Dion even care? Why would these folks continue this destructive discriminatory dispicable two faced fraud?


          CWB is abuying,not a selling monopoly.In economists terms,it is in fact a'monopsony'.
          Its purpose was from the start,and still is today,to extract cheap grain from farmers.
          By simply denying them any other escape route.
          The maltster whining simply makes it perfectly obvious;the only way you can continue to extract grain from farmers at below its value is through an extension of the 'monopsony'.
          (Hopefully untill the libs are back,is there real only hope)


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